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City Council Work Session
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philosophies regarding the direction the Council should go with the 2010 budget. <br />Discussion. <br />Recessed at 5:30PM; reconvened at 6:OOPM <br />Mike reported that the Public Works Director, Police Chief and the Fire Chief will be <br />doing a budget presentation for their respective Department. Mike reported that <br />because of the State of Minnesota's budget deficit, the City of St. Anthony is <br />anticipating a loss in Market Credit /Homestead Value of $133,200. He also <br />reported that nothing would be lost in Local Government Aid because the City has <br />not received LGA since 2002. He went on to explain that in 2008, the City lost <br />$67,000 to the State in December, which is at the end of the City's budget year. The <br />City was also advised at that time the State would withhold $133,200 in Market <br />Value /Homestead Credit for both 2009 and 2010. This will be money that will be <br />permanently lost to the City. Mike indicated as such, Staff sees the 2009 budget <br />goals are to reduce operating and capital costs by $135,000 while at the same time <br />maintaining the current level of services; continue to improve efficiencies; and <br />anticipate and define the risks associated with the proposed cuts, reductions and <br />deferrals. Mike reported that Staff is proposing to reduce the General Operating <br />Budget by $52,000 and reduce capital expenditures by $82,300, which equals <br />$135,000. Review of the power point presentation and discussion of the proposed <br />line item reductions, cuts and deferrals for each department. <br />Tiered Water & Sewer Rates. <br />Roger Larson, Finance Director, presented information regarding the tiered water <br />rates that the State has mandated for cities to implement in 2010, in which higher <br />fees are charged for excessive water use. MN Statute §103G.291 also gives the <br />Minnesota DNR authority to oversee and enforce these regulations to insure that <br />cities develop a plan for the conservation of water. <br />Roger stated that the purpose for this report is to advise Council of impending <br />legislative requirements that are to be implemented but also to receive direction <br />from City Council regarding the goal for the 20% increased revenue that could result <br />from the tiered rates. Roger indicated that based on the City's current rate per <br />gallon, the City's tiered rate could resemble the following plan: <br />Tier 1 $2.60 per 1000 Gallons <br />Tier 2 $3.25 per 1000 Gallons — 25% Increase <br />Tier 3 $4.06 per 1000 Gallons — 25% Increase <br />Tier 4 $6.09 per 1000 Gallons — 50% Increase <br />The percentage increase based on the recommendations from the DNR. Under this <br />scenario, Roger reported that the City could see increased revenues of about $150,000 <br />annually. Roger also reported that this tiered plan would significantly impact high <br />users of water in the community, the two highest being the School District at <br />1,000,000 gallons of water a year and Happy's Potato Chips at 5,000,000 gallons of <br />water annually. Discussion. Council asked Roger to provide more information for <br />the August 3,d work session. In the meantime, he will provide an article for the <br />Z: \Council Meetings\2009 \Worksessions \06012009 \MINUTES Council Staff worksession 06012009.doc <br />
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