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City Council Work Session
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summer newsletter briefly describing the tiered system and the impact on the <br />community. Council also asked about implementing a watering ban. Discussion. <br />4. Street Reconstruction Project Presentation. <br />Todd Hubmer, WSB and City Engineer, presented updated information on the 2010 <br />Street Reconstruction. The value of the work planned for 2010 is $2,165,00 and <br />includes Wendhurst Ave. from Penrod Lane to Chelmsford Lane, Edgemere Ave. <br />from Penrod Lane to Chelmsford Lane; Penrod Lane from 361h Ave. to Co. Rd. D, <br />and Chelmsford Lane from 36th Ave. to Co. Rd. D. <br />Todd also reported that earlier in the year, the City of New Brighton asked if St. <br />Anthony would be interested in doing a joint project for Silver Lane, which is an <br />MSA road and would also include the construction of a sidewalk and the installation <br />of street lighting. The current bituminous surface is badly deteriorating, as <br />witnessed by the afternoons tour of the city. Todd reported that the City of <br />Roseville is also interested in a joint project to mill and overlay Highcrest Road. This <br />alternate 2010 proposed street project is estimated to cost $1,900,000. <br />5. Parking Ordinance. Jay Hartman, Public Works Director, reported that in 2008 <br />Council temporarily amended the current snow plowing ordinance to give the <br />residence more flexibility in parking during winter. This temporary amendment is <br />due to sunset on July 1, 2009. Mr. Hartman reported that during the 2008/2009 <br />snow plowing season, Public Works responded to 11 full plowing events; 28 parking <br />citations were issued by the Police Department and he received 135 calls to the Snow <br />Emergency Hotline. Mr. Hartman also stated that he personally received 15 calls <br />regarding the change to the ordinance: three calls were supportive of the changed <br />ordinance and 12 were less supportive. He reported that the department had 6 <br />additional hours of plowing at the overtime rate. Staff recommended that Council <br />should allow the amended temporary ordinance to sunset and return to the original <br />parking restriction from November 1 to April 1. Discussion. <br />6. Police Contract. Mr. Mornson presented Council with the current contract proposal <br />for law enforcement services with Falcon Heights and Lauderdale. John Ohl, Police <br />Chief, reported that he will be presenting the renewal contract for the provision of <br />police services to Lauderdale and Falcon Heights for 2010 and 2011 at the June 9, <br />2009 City Council meeting. He reported on the changed language of the proposed <br />contracts and that this proposed contract is agreeable with both of these cities. <br />Discussion. <br />7. Other Business. <br />a. Mr. Mornson reported to the City Council that as the result of the recent <br />recodification of the City Code, ordinance language allowing the City to utilize <br />certain criminal history data through the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal <br />Apprehension was inadvertently taken out of the Code when staff was advised <br />to remove the Personnel Policy from the City Code. He stated that because most <br />of the background checks were done as part of the hiring process, the BCA <br />language was in the Personnel Policy. Staff is now putting together an <br />Z: \Council Meetings\ 2009 \Worksessions \06012009 \MINUTES Council Staff worksession 06012009.doc <br />
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