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MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: July 16, 2009 <br />TO: Mayor and Councilmembers <br />FROM: Mike Morrison, City Manager <br />Roger Larson, Finance Director <br />ITEM: PROPOSED 2010 OPERATING BUDGET <br />Overview: <br />Staff has prepared a proposed 2010 Operating Budget totaling $5,308,700. This <br />represents an $84,000 dollar increase =1.61 %. The budget was formulated using the <br />following criteria: <br />1) 0% increase in salaries. <br />2) $100.00 increase in the employer health insurance contribution. <br />A. The employee increase is estimated at $117.00. <br />B. 2009 - Percentage of Employer/Employee: <br />a. City pays 55.3% <br />b. Employee pays 44.7 %. <br />C. 2009 - Metro Cities Average: <br />a. Employer62.1% <br />b. Employee 37.9% <br />D. 2010 - Estimated at 53.7% Employer, 46.3% Employee. <br />3) Adjusting most line items closer to actual expenditures. <br />The proposed 2010 operating budget includes a levy of $2,980,370 and represents a <br />$34,859 dollar increase = 1.18 %. Levy limits continue in 2010 and at this time the City <br />has not received notification of its levy limit from the Department of Revenue. <br />Staff worked with the League of Minnesota Cities to calculate an estimated levy limit <br />(see calculation below) which is $2,071 higher than the amount needed to balance the <br />budget. <br />In addition, the City has the ability to levy outside the levy limit for its losses in Market <br />Value Credit ($68,000 loss in 2008 and the $135,000 in 2009). Staff is not proposing the <br />City do this because it would increase the levy and property taxes. <br />Review of Budgeting Process: <br />At the direction of the City Council, restructuring of the 2010 Budget was done to adjust <br />the budgeted expenditures closer to actual costs. Salaries budgets are based on taking <br />2008 actual costs, adding 3.5% for 2009 with a 0% increase slated for 2010. An example <br />of the method used to calculate a salaries budget would be as follows: <br />General Management — 2008 actual salaries $78,395 times 3.5% for 2009, with a zero <br />percent increase in 2010 = $81,138 (2010 Budget set at $81,200) <br />