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HRA MINUTES 02081983
City Council
HRA Minutes
HRA MINUTES 02081983
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Last modified
7/27/2016 3:32:31 PM
Creation date
7/27/2016 3:32:31 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Housing Redevelopment Authority
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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-4 - <br />You're all somewhat familiar with the plans we've already submitted <br />for this project. What we've done is put them in a presentation for- <br />mat. What I will do now is explain some of this to you. I hope <br />that everybody, Board members and audience alike, will get a good <br />idea of what we've done here. Maybe if some of you would like to <br />move around. I think the thing that impresses us most about the <br />project is that number 1, it's in St. Anthony. St. Anthony's a very <br />nice community. What we wanted to do with the site was respond to <br />some of the neat characteristics that St. Anthony has, which is a <br />park type of atmosphere. We wanted to incorporate that into the site <br />plan and in the overall site plan, I think you can see how we've <br />incorporated a park -like type of atmosphere, trees, boulevards coming <br />in with the ponds as part of the second phase, buffering the first <br />phase building from the trailor court, trying to provide sense of <br />entry into both phases of the project. We're talking about general <br />terms about the whole site plan, and then I want to be specific about <br />phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. We do consider it all as one project <br />plan. Some of the site amenities that we've incorporated into the <br />second phase will not only be used by the second phase, but also the <br />people moving into the first phase will also have use of those <br />recreational facilities, which we think is a real unique charcteristic <br />particularly of this plan. one of those recreational facilities <br />is a pool room that has an indoor pool, sauna, weight room and that <br />type of facility. We also have the pond with a waterfall which we <br />anticipate we've got a sidewalk system going around it which we <br />anticipate will be a casual walk around the pond type of thing at <br />night. We've also got an extensive sidewalk system that incorporates <br />both projects and are hoping that the City will have a sidewalk system <br />that goes particularly for this phase to St. Charles Church and then <br />back again, you know, that type of system. So we're encouraging <br />everybody to use the entire complex which is one reason why we've <br />got a new stop light, 3 way stop, which is part of the project as well <br />so that to and from both sides can actually work. We've also got <br />tennis courts as part of the second phase, we've got some rooftop <br />gardens which more specifically can be used by the residents of those <br />particular buildings. In the first phase, the north side of the <br />project, we've got shuffle board courts, horseshoe pits and those <br />types of things. We are also hoping we can incorporate some sort of <br />garden plots as part of that first phase so residents can grow their <br />own vegies. <br />Now I'm going to talk about the first phase which is the 134 unit <br />elderly building which is this building here. We've provided a total <br />of 103 parking spaces, which is a little bit over the average for <br />this type of facility, but we felt that it is important to incorporate <br />those amount of parking spaces into the project. <br />This is the overall floor plan. It's a four story building and <br />basically the floor plan is the same for all four floors except that <br />there's a central court area on the first floor. We've got some things <br />that aren't included on the top floors, like a security room, which <br />will have a full time security guard. We've also got the party room <br />is and lounge which is part of the first floor, the lobby and card room. <br />We've also got a T.V. lounge and we anticipate that being an area out- <br />side of the unit where residents can go and socialize with others <br />
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