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HRA MINUTES 02081983
City Council
HRA Minutes
HRA MINUTES 02081983
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/27/2016 3:32:31 PM
Creation date
7/27/2016 3:32:31 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Housing Redevelopment Authority
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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-5 - <br />in the building and watch T.V. during the day, just a place to get out <br />of their unit. We also have greenhouses on every floor so that <br />indoor plants can be grown in that part of the central court yard <br />area. We've also got 2 elevators servicing the building, one would <br />be for stretcher use and the other would be strict pedestrian use. <br />We've got laundry facilities and that's typical on every floor as <br />is the T.V. lounge with the janitor and trashman. <br />Unit mix is primarily one bedroom, we've got some two bedrooms and <br />we've got some large one bedrooms and then we also have some guest <br />rooms for if residents have guests over they can sleep there during <br />the night. We anticipate that being a reserved type concept, rather <br />than a rental. One other thing that we feel is unique particularly <br />about the unit plans is that we feel that they're fairly large sized <br />for this type of facility and we've also provided decks off all the <br />units which become part of the unit along with the bay type of window <br />in the bedroom. <br />These are the elevations showing you the type of exterior that we're <br />talking about. We're looking at a pitched roof, a brick and wood <br />exterior, the wood being primarily being on the recesses of the <br />deck areas, the rest of the building would be entirely brick. These <br />little dormers up on the top provide vaulted ceilings on the top <br />floor units. There is an underground parking garage as part of that <br />building and we anticipate that part of the parking spaces inside <br />the building will be guest parking. The way that will work is we'll <br />have a buzzer system outside the entry into the garage and if someone <br />has a friend coming over, they'll alert the security guard so when <br />they come up to the door, they can press the buzzer and the security <br />guard will let them in and tell them which stall to park in. There <br />will be some indoor guest parking. <br />The second phase of the project has 2 building types, the first what <br />we anticipate being an elderly 202 project, either cooperative or <br />rental and also a market rate condominium. This is the 202 building <br />which would be an elderly facility, which would be a government <br />subsidized project, hopefully if it gets approved. Again, it has <br />similar type of building characteristics, brick with wood inserts. <br />No decks, that's not allowed on this type of project, the units are <br />fairly small, based on government restrictions. The brown shows <br />circulation patterns and again we have the 75% one bedroom, 25% <br />efficiency. The market rate condominiums which not only part of phase <br />2, but also the remaining 2 buildings of phase 3 all have similar <br />type of characteristics. They'll have 2 levels of underground park- <br />ing underneath the building itself and in addition to that all the <br />parking requirements for the building will be in a ramp type of <br />situation, there won't be any parking spaces outside. Now the ramp <br />will be an open air ramp, but they'll still be under cover. Part <br />of the problem with this site with the density is providing enough <br />parking spaces and not covering the whole site with asphalt, that <br />was an important part of the project. This is the overall floor plan <br />for the building. You can see the circulation pattern is a basic <br />. T. The building does vary in height. On the first building has <br />5 to 8 floors, the second building 4-7 and on the other 5-8 stories. <br />Looking at the building from that angle, these are the greenhouses on <br />top of the lower story buildings which lead out onto the roof top areas <br />
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