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CC MINUTES 01092007
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 01092007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 9, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />1 Ms. Snyder explained funding for the GMHC comes from a number of different sources. She <br />2 explained the Housing Resource Centers have a single - family program where homes are <br />3 purchased, rehabilitated, and resold to lower income households. She explained they also have a <br />4 pre - development loan program where funds are loaned to other non - profit developers to enable <br />5 their affordable housing programs. Ms Snyder stated the funding generally in partnership with <br />6 municipalities and counties for providing services to the residents. She stated a cost benefit <br />7 study was done in 2006 showing, in most cases, the services provided are not fully funded <br />8 through those service contracts. She explained they raise a significant number of funds from <br />9 corporate, family, or community foundations to off set the cost. <br />10 <br />11 Councilmember Stille mentioned the Senior Housing Regeneration Program. <br />12 <br />13 Ms. Snyder replied this program is for seniors who want to sell their home. She explained <br />14 GMHC will purchase the home, fix it up, and sell it to a low - income family. She stated it also <br />15 assists seniors with moving to another location. Ms. Snyder explained when seniors realize they <br />16 cannot continue in the single family home; it is brought up to standard and made available to a <br />17 family. <br />18 <br />19 Councilmember Stille mentioned the rebates over given in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 have <br />20 dropped off and asked if there was some way to get the word out and market the programs <br />21 available. <br />22 <br />23 Ms. Eloundou replied most of the information is by word of mouth. She mentioned the City puts <br />24 information in the newsletter. <br />25 <br />26 Councilmember Stille suggested code enforcers become aware of the programs. <br />27 <br />28 Ms Snyder stated she discussed having a meeting with City staff with City Manager Morrison. <br />29 She stated they receive a lot of business from residents who received information from Code <br />30 Inspectors. <br />31 <br />32 Councilmember Stille asked about the I/I program where citizens would need to fix illegal drain <br />33 tiles. He stated there appears to be a program where residents are eligible for residents to apply <br />34 for assistance. <br />35 <br />36 Mayor Faust pointed out those 297 contacts over the three and one half years equals about 80 <br />37 people per year. He stated he is emboldened by the fact of how many people will come in with a <br />38 bid to ask if they are getting a fair deal. Mayor Faust state there is no housing maintenance code <br />39 per se, but this is a good incentive for people to be involved in housing rehabilitation to keep <br />40 homes viable. He stated the leveraging of $14 to one is a substantial return on investment when <br />41 close to a million dollars in value is added to the properties. Mayor Faust pointed out this keeps <br />42 the community viable and housing stock viable for the future. He reported Ms. Snyder gave City <br />43 Staff a Housing Resource Center brochure and encouraged residents to look into this <br />44 opportunity. <br />45 <br />
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