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CC MINUTES 01092007
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 01092007
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 9, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />1 Mayor Faust applauded the work done in the community by the Housing Resource Center. He <br />2 pointed out that when you realize there are 2,500 homes in the City, this equates to one out of <br />3 every eight homes benefiting from the programs. Mayor Faust stated the City appreciates being <br />4 part of this. <br />6 Motion by Councilmember Gray, seconded by Councilmember Thuesen, to Approve Resolution <br />7 07 -013, a Resolution Approving the Contract with Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation for <br />8 2007. <br />9 <br />10 Motion carried unanimously. <br />11 <br />12 VI. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. <br />13 A. Todd Hubmer, WSB & Associates, will be present for the following resolutions relating <br />14 to the 2007 Street Improvement Assessments. <br />15 1. Resolution 07 -014; Calling a hearing on 2007 Street and Utility Improvements. <br />16 2. Resolution 07 -015; Declare the costs to be assessed and ordering preparation of <br />17 proposed assessments. <br />18 3. Resolution 07 -016; Calling a hearing on proposed assessment for 2007 Street and <br />19 Utility Improvements. <br />20 4. Ordinance 07 -001; Amending Sections 4 and 6 relating to the new Automatic Water <br />21 Meters. (First Reading) <br />22 <br />23 Mr. Hubmer stated the first resolution relates to the 2007 Street and Utility Improvements <br />24 Project. He pointed out the project consists of street reconstruction, replacement, or new <br />25 construction of sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer lines, sidewalk improvements, street <br />26 lighting, and lift station modifications as outlined in the resolution. <br />27 <br />28 Mr. Hubmer reported the total project cost is $4,450,000, which would be funded from <br />29 assessments of 35% on the road and storm sewer, and water connection fees. He reported funds <br />30 would also come from a 429 Public Improvement Bond, Tax Increment Funds, water, sewer and <br />31 storm water funds, revolving improvement funds, and developer fees. <br />32 <br />33 Mr. Hubmer outlined the proposed project schedule that began with a neighborhood meeting on <br />34 November 2006. He went on to review the schedule indicated plans and specs were approved on <br />35 November 28, 2006 and bids received and compute assessments completed on January 4, 2007. <br />36 Mr. Hubmer stated a public information meeting would be held on January 31, 2007 and a public <br />37 hearing held on February 13, 2007, with the award of bid projected for some time in February <br />38 2007, and the award of sale of bonds in March 2007. Mr. Hubmer estimates construction would <br />39 begin in May 2007, with final construction in November 2007 and final paving in June 2008. <br />40 <br />41 Mr. Hubmer stated Resolution 07 -014 is a resolution calling for a hearing on the 2007 street and <br />42 utility improvements. <br />43 <br />44 Councilmember Stille asked Mr. Hubmer to elaborate on the 39`h Street and Silver Lake Village <br />45 Project improvements. <br />46 <br />
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