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CC MINUTES 06262007
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 06262007
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2 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 26, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Councilmember Gray asked which light industrial areas were considered. <br />Mr. Beisner replied the light industrial areas would not solve the coverage issue. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Horst questioned Mr. Beisner about the industrial areas south of the current site. <br />7 Mr. Beisner replied there is no rear yard to site the monopole and it is outside the coverage area. <br />8 <br />9 Mayor Pro Tern Horst inquired as to whether the location chosen was the only logical alternative <br />10 or were other locations considered. <br />11 <br />12 Mr. Beisner replied all sites were considered and the chosen site was the best option. <br />13 <br />14 Mayor Pro Tern Horst opened the Public Hearing at 8:45. <br />15 <br />16 Dr. Scot Salim, 2931 Pentagon Drive, stated Dr. Todd Hanson informed him about the cell <br />17 phone tower. He stated it would be an eyesore in the area and would expose everyone to <br />18 unnecessary radiation. He commented that the tower would provide no benefit to the tenants of <br />19 the mall. He stated he not understand why another location could not be found. He commented <br />20 it is irresponsible for T- Mobile to place the antenna in this location. <br />21 <br />22 Mr. Mathew Alfs, 2919 Pentagon Drive, reported his business is about 60 feet from the proposed <br />23 monopole site. He stated the proposed site is an area where many health services are provided. <br />24 He indicated he is concerned for the tenants and the customers coming to the businesses. He <br />25 commented the mall owner never informed the businesses about the monopole. <br />26 <br />27 Mr. Alfs stated he searched the National Library of Medicine for post 1996 research on the <br />28 health risks of the cell phone monopoles. He found increased cancer, cardiovascular, and <br />29 cognitive issues linked to exposure to radio frequency from low levels of radio frequency <br />30 radiation. He stated that the World Health Organization held a conference on the sensitivity of <br />31 children to radio frequency radiation. He reported the 2005 Pediatrics Journal reported the <br />32 relationship between childhood leukemia, nervous system and brain tissue development, and <br />33 exposure to radio frequency radiation. <br />34 <br />35 Mr. Alfs stated he asked the parents of children attending the Montessori School how they felt. <br />36 He presented a petition with signatures against the tower. He asked Council to seriously <br />37 consider the petition and consider denying the request from T- Mobile. <br />38 <br />39 Dr. Todd Hanson, 2929 Pentagon Drive, stated he became involved and fast became concerned <br />40 with the health issues. He stated a majority of medical journals state further research needs to be <br />41 done. He stressed that this is not the first time the government has lied to the population. He <br />42 stated he is concerned about losing employees who do not want to be exposed to the radio <br />43 frequency. He stated T- Mobile does have other options. <br />44 <br />45 Mr. Dennis Cavanaugh, 2909 St. Anthony Boulevard, referenced the application and the City <br />46 Code. He stated he is opposed to approving the application. He directed Council to pages 63, <br />
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