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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br /> <br />RESOLUTION 16-063 <br /> <br />LOWRY GROVE MANUFACTURED HOME PARK CLOSURE PUBLIC HEARING <br />SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 327C.095, subd. 3 requires a municipality receiving a manufactured <br />home park closure notice to hold a public hearing on the park closure; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of St. Anthony Code § 111.094 requires the City of St. Anthony to hold a <br />public hearing on a manufactured home park closure within 90 days of receiving a closure <br />statement concerning that park; and <br />WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 327C.095, subd. 4 requires that a public hearing concerning the <br />closure of a manufactured home park accomplish the following: <br /> Review the closure statement; <br /> <br /> Review and evaluate the impact the closure may have on displaced residents and the <br />park owner; <br /> <br /> Inform displaced residents that they may be eligible for payments from the Minnesota <br />manufactured home relocation trust fund under Minnesota Statute § 462.A.035 as <br />compensation for reasonable relocation costs; and <br /> <br /> Appoint a neutral third party to act as paymaster and arbitrator, with decision-making <br />authority to resolve any questions or disputes regarding any contributions to the trust <br />fund by the park owner and disbursements from the trust fund to home owners; and <br />WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 327C.095 directs the City to “review” the closure statement and does <br />not empower the City to determine the legal sufficiency of the closure statement; and <br />WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 327C.095, subd. 4, requires the City to appoint a neutral third party <br />that has been agreed upon by both the manufactured home park owner and manufactured home <br />owners, or to determine the appointment of a neutral third party if the parties cannot agree; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 15, 2016, the City of St. Anthony received from Continental Property <br />Group notice that it had purchased the Lowry Grove manufactured home park (“the Park”); and <br />WHEREAS, the notice also contained a closure statement indicating that Continental Property <br />Group intends to close the Park by March 15, 2017; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of St. Anthony City Council held a public hearing concerning the closure <br />of the Lowry Grove manufactured home park on September 8, 2016, which public hearing met <br />the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 327C.095, subds. 3, 4, and City of St. Anthony Code § <br />111.094; <br />THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the closure statement concerning the Lowry Grove <br />manufactured home park has been reviewed, as required under Minn. Stat. § 327C.095; and