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FURTHER RESOLVED, the impacts of the closure of the Lowry Grove manufactured home <br />park on displaced manufactured home resident, and the manufactured home park owner have <br />been reviewed and evaluated; and <br />FURTHER RESOLVED, manufactured home residents have been informed of their potential <br />eligibility for payments from the Minnesota manufactured home relocation trust fund as <br />compensation for their reasonable relocation costs; and <br />FINALLY RESOLVED, _________________________________________________________ <br />has been appointed neutral third party by agreement of the parties / determination of the Council <br />(underline one and strike the other) to act as paymaster and arbitrator, with decision-making <br />authority under Minn. Stat. § 327C.095, subd. 4, to resolve any questions or disputes regarding <br />any contributions to the trust fund by the park owner and disbursements from the trust fund to <br />home owners. <br />Adopted this 8th day of September, 2016. <br /> ____________________________________ <br /> Jerome O. Faust, Mayor <br />ATTEST:____________________________ <br /> Nicole Miller, City Clerk <br /> <br /> Review for Administration: ____________________________________ <br /> Mark Casey, City Manager <br /> <br />