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money damages for any violation of section 327C.095’s requirements. Defendants further assert <br />that subdivision 7 does not apply. Plaintiffs respond arguing that (1) subdivision 9 should be <br />interpreted in the homeowners’ favor; (2) defendants must comply with both subdivisions 6 and <br />7, so subdivision 9 does not yet apply; and (3) subdivision 9 and 11 violate Plaintiffs’ due process <br />rights. <br />The Court agrees with Defendants. As discussed below, the clear language of Minn. Stat. <br />327C.095 does not provide Plaintiffs the opportunity to seek declarations involving the handling <br />of the sale of the Park or the opportunity to seek specific performance of the Aeon purchase <br />agreement for the Park. <br />Section 327C.095 specifically addresses the rights and obligations involved when a <br />purchaser of a manufactured home park intends to sell or convert it to another use. Subdivision 6 <br />applies “[b]efore the execution of an agreement to purchase a manufactured home park . . . if the <br />purchaser intends to close the manufactured home park or convert it to another use within one year <br />of the execution of the agreement.” Minn. Stat. § 327C.095, subd. 6. If the purchaser intends on <br />converting its use then the park owner must provide each resident with 45-day notice of intent to <br />close the park. Id. The owners of 51 percent of the manufactured homes in the park then have the <br />right to execute an agreement to purchase the park in order to keep it as a manufactured housing <br />community. Id. The owners may allow a nonprofit to represent them in the acquisition. Id. The <br />owners are required to “meet the cash price and the same terms and conditions set forth in the <br />purchaser’s offer” within the 45-day period. Id. If the owners meet this requirement the park owner <br />“must accept the offer.” Id. <br />Subdivision 7 provides: “If the purchaser of a manufactured home park decides to convert <br />the park to another use within one year after the purchase of the park, the purchaser must offer the <br />36