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2015 Annual Report • Police Department • St. Anthony Village, Minnesota <br /> <br /> <br />13 | Page <br /> <br />VI. Investigation Review <br />PREPARED BY CAPTAIN DOMINIC COTRONEO <br />The police department is an arm of city government, and in most <br />instances, the most visible part of local government. This is in fact the <br />case in the communities we serve. With this privilege, comes great <br />responsibility to be transparent and accessible to the people we serve. <br />The transparency of the department, allows it to gain and build the <br />trust necessary to deliver police services. <br />The patrol division is at the forefront of earning the public’s trust, in the <br />way they interact daily with residents and businesses in our <br />communities. This trust carries over and is maintained by the investigations unit in the way <br />cases are followed up on and results communicated back to the people involved. <br />The trust shown in the department, by our residents and businesses, is especially important in <br />today’s environment, with so much negative media attention on police officers around the <br />country. It also has a reassuring effect on the officers in the performance of their duties. <br />The investigations unit is small, in comparison to the patrol unit, but still <br />handles hundreds of cases, and clears a good percentage of them by arrest. <br />The unit is comprised of one full time investigator, Detective Tim Briski, <br />who’s a 28 year member of the police department. It also has a rotating <br />investigator slot, which is filled by different officers throughout the year <br />who choose to bid the rotation as a career enhancement position. The unit <br />is driven by case clearance, as it measures to some degree, the successful <br />outcome of criminal investigations. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Officer Jack Christman <br />The 2015 statistics for the criminal investigations unit are as follows: <br />Total Criminal Cases: 340 <br />Total Cases Cleared 181 <br />Total Cases Cleared by Arrest 132 <br />Total Cases Cleared by Other 49 <br />CLEARANCE RATE: 53% <br />