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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />July 11, 2017 <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />Ms. Jan Nye stated she lives in Minneapolis and believes the Council has a great responsibility. She 1 <br />stated she pays attention to the Constitution and the Open Meeting Laws and agrees the fresh water 2 <br />supply is threatened. Ms. Nye stated she sees the government working against us. She stated Lowry 3 <br />Grove is a beautiful place with huge trees. She believed there is a ripple effect in the City from the 4 <br />closing of Lowry Grove. Ms. Nye commented on the homeless problem in Minneapolis and her belief 5 <br />that extreme greed is going on. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Ms. Eva Gromes, who spoke previously, reiterated some of the questions posed to the Council including 8 <br />why Lowry Grove was able to deteriorate over the years, aren’t there building codes, and why are the 9 <br />Lowry Grove roads so bad. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Mayor Faust explained they were private roads. 12 <br /> 13 <br />City Manager Casey explained the Minnesota Department of Health licenses mobile home communities, 14 <br />they have been on site, and had some findings that the previous owner was responsible for taking care 15 <br />of. He stated the City does not have codes regarding private streets. The structures themselves were 16 <br />inspected by the inspection department but only on the outside. There was no license inspection for 17 <br />Lowry Grove. City Manager Casey stated there have been issues with water and sewer line breaks, 18 <br />which were the responsibility of the owner. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Ms. Mary Jackson, 37th Avenue, stated she has lived here 10½ years and was shocked the Council would 21 <br />not give support of affordable housing. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Mayor Faust clarified the Council is committed to affordable housing. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Ms. Jackson stated she sees the Council as a financial cost to the City because settlements are being 26 <br />paid. She stated her opinion the City does not offer an interpreter and there is a systematic problem here 27 <br />that is costing financially and emotionally. She stated the City Council needs to treat everyone with 28 <br />respect and suggested the DOJ do a Title 6 review of the City. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Mayor Faust clarified that if the City knows someone is coming to a meeting and needs an interpreter, 31 <br />the City Manager will get a translator. He also noted the website can be changed to different languages. 32 <br /> 33 <br />City Manager Casey confirmed that a translator has been provided for many years when requested. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Ms. Jackson asked why there is no ADA transition plan on the website. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Mr. Dave Becking stated he lives in Minneapolis and did not intend to speak as the residents of St. 38 <br />Anthony are doing well to speak but he believes the problem is the Council and Police Department have 39 <br />a history that can be reviewed. He stated there has been a history of neglect of Lowry Grove and its 40 <br />residents and problems with the Police Department so people do not trust the priorities of the Council 41 <br />for those closed door meetings. Mr. Becking stated his belief that Police Chief Mangseth was not 42 <br />responsible for Officer Yanez’s behavior but if Police Chief Mangseth said Officer Yanez was an 43 <br />exemplary employee, he is not fit to be the Police Chief. Mr. Becking stated the last Police Chief was 44 <br />responsible for the training problems. 45 <br /> 46 <br />13