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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />within Lowry Grove. She reviewed the information online showing the elevations. She does not 1 <br />feel the design of the townhomes compliment the surrounding homes. They would like to see no 2 <br />more than two story townhomes with setbacks that match the existing homes that they border. 3 <br />She asked that the townhomes extend to the corner of Stinson and Kenzie Terrace. There is no 4 <br />variety to the buildings. She provided her comments on each building. She asked the overall 5 <br />height be reduced. She does not see how the development connects to the neighborhood. She 6 <br />wants the density to be reduced to bring the buildings in scale with the surrounding 7 <br />neighborhoods. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Ms. Tania Bunik, 2829 Stinson Blvd, stated she has lived in St. Anthony for 25 years. She stated 10 <br />the traffic study was underestimated as far as the number of car trips. This will impact everyone 11 <br />in St. Anthony. Currently all the intersections are crowded at rush hours. She would like other 12 <br />intersections included in a traffic study. Increased traffic will cause accidents. The school on 13 <br />Stinson Blvd will be impacted by the increased traffic. She does not see how the traffic would be 14 <br />decreased making it more walkable along with public transportation. She requested the traffic 15 <br />study be redone and use common sense when reviewing the traffic levels. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Mr. Dale Nugent, 2734 Stinson Parkway, asked that the comments of neighboring cities be taken 18 <br />into account, stating Stinson Parkway needs to be preserved. He stated there is an application 19 <br />pending with National Registry of Historical Sites. Mr. Nugent believed c urrent traffic puts 20 <br />stress on Stinson Parkway and local wildlife has called Lowry Grove home. He felt the project is 21 <br />a negative change to the Parkway and asked the Planning Commission to protect the Parkway. 22 <br />Mr. Nugent sated p arking on the Parkway should not be part of the plan and requested the 23 <br />density be reduced to 25 units per acre. He felt the project should fit better within the 24 <br />surrounding properties. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Mr. John Grevious, 2239 Wilson Street, Mpls., stated he lives just 2 blocks from the border. He 27 <br />questioned comparisons to Silver Lake Village and asked how that development went. He does 28 <br />not believe success is likely in this proposal. This wo uld be a 20% increase in population for St. 29 <br />Anthony. He cited comparisons between Silver Lake Village and the proposed project. He feels 30 <br />this is a high -risk development. He asked the density be kept low and the risks will be mitigated. 31 <br /> 32 <br />Mr. Casey Scott, 2501 Pahl Avenue, stated he has lived north of the development his entire life. 33 <br />He commended staff on their work and stated he is concerned about parking and green space. 34 <br />Staff noted the parking proposal does not meet City Code of two spaces per unit. He stated the 35 <br />public transportation system is inadequate, St. Anthony Shopping Center does not have the 36 <br />amenities needed, and there is no place for overflow parking. Mr. Scott stated the trails are 37 <br />sidewalks and they are included in the park area. The developer has not gone far enough. He is 38 <br />concerned about the conditional part of the settlement. This conditional ploy is being used as 39 <br />leverage against the City. He calculated there should be 8.5 acres of greenspace. He asked the 40 <br />developer to work with the City to increase the greenspace. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Mr. Alef Valdes, 2404 27th Avenue, commented about the five principles of planning specifically 43 <br />points 2 and 3. He does not feel the development is compatible with the neighborhood. He said 44 <br />the buildings need to be scaled back in height. He commented on infrastructure requirements. 45 <br />There are only two access points for the property and 700 units is not adequate. Mpls Park Board 46 <br />10
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