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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />would need to approve any modifications to the Parkway. He asked what infrastructure will be 1 <br />put in to protect the school children. He asked for density of 25 units per acre. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Mr. Perry Thorvig, 3112 Townview Avenue, agreed that the request for Comp Plan amendment 4 <br />increasing density to 48 units per acre should be denied, noting t here are other important issues 5 <br />to address. He stated the staff report does not take into consideration 17 critical points previously 6 <br />submitted via email and also provided to the Chair. He stated if the staff recommendation is 7 <br />adopted, the developer will think there is now a path to a 696-unit development and will believe 8 <br />they have their high-density land use. Mr. Thorvig stated density is a range and the Comp Plan 9 <br />reads that only 425 units may be approved. He noted the residents who submitted the petition 10 <br />and others believe that 425 units at 25 units per acre is in compliance with the Comprehensive 11 <br />Plan . He believed the developer has no legal right to 833 or 696 units, noting t hey are arguing 12 <br />they cannot make a profit if only 425 units are approved. He asked, who’s problem is that? He 13 <br />stated they bought property zoned for single-family homes and it seems they are in over their 14 <br />head. Mr. Thorvig noted t he staff report does not address any of the five principles in the 15 <br />Comprehensive Plan and t his development is not like Silver Lake Village . He believed a 425-16 <br />unit development would reduce the traffic, eliminate the need to use the alley for access to the 17 <br />townhomes , and there would be more room for greenspace. He asked the Planning Commission 18 <br />to review his 17 questions and reconvene in 2 weeks. He also asked the Commission to not take 19 <br />the easy way out and approve staff’s incomplete recommendation that does not address all the 20 <br />key issues. 21 <br /> 22 <br />Mr. Thomas Isaacson, 2604 Pahl Avenue, reminded the Commission the range is 25 -40 units per 23 <br />acre. He is optimistic on the re -development of Lowry Grove. It would provide additional 24 <br />affordability housing for the community. It can lead to a safer Kenzie Terrace for pedestrian and 25 <br />bicycle traffic. They support the inclusion of the townhomes along the north and we st borders of 26 <br />the development. This would provide a buffer for the SoSo neighborhood. There are 99 family 27 <br />homes with 80 children. They do not want to see that changed. They support the higher buildings 28 <br />along Kenzie Terrace. He commented on traffic. The existing trees connect the spaces. There are 29 <br />no sidewalks in his neighborhood. The children play in the alleys. Safety for the children in the 30 <br />neighborhood is a constant concern. St. Charles brings an additional 300 children into the 31 <br />neighborhood. He does not want the townhouse access to be through the alley and come through 32 <br />their neighborhood. All parking and driveway access should be contained within the 33 <br />development. He noted you cannot turn left on either end of the driveway. He is concerned with 34 <br />the dependence the development has on the alley. He asked the developer to consider tuck under 35 <br />garages with southern access to the driveways. This would not allow additional traffic to enter 36 <br />his neighborhood. Trees could be planted in the backyards of the townhomes. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Ms. Nina Guertin, 2653 Stinson Blvd, stated she has been a resident for six years and is part of 39 <br />the SoSo neighborhood. She believes it is in the City’s best interest to reduce the density as she 40 <br />is concerned with parking, overcrowding of schools, and fit of the buildings into the 41 <br />neighborhood. She commented on the use of alley and water runoff and stated she is concerned 42 <br />about adding 20 driveways into the alley as there are already water problems with heavy rains in 43 <br />the neighborhood. In addition, there is a safety concern for the 80 children in the neighborhood. 44 <br />She wants the developer to shift the driveways to use the two or more planned access points. 45 <br /> 46 <br />11
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