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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 16 <br /> <br />garages facing the alley, impact on the school district and surface water issues. He would like the 1 <br />developer to table everything except the commercial to high density which he is in favor of 2 <br />because it allows for an affordable housing component. He is a commercial real estate attorney 3 <br />by profession and believes a certain amount of density is necessary on this project and 20 units 4 <br />per acre would make the project not economically viable. He would prefer to see the density 5 <br />between the 25-40 range as contained in the Comp Plan. More information is needed from the 6 <br />developer before a decision should be made. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Chairman Gondorchin agreed with Commissioner Foster and noted that if he were to make a 9 <br />motion this evening it would be to recommend denial of the Comprehensive Plan amendments, 10 <br />the preliminary PUD , and preliminary plat and direct staff to prepare a draft resolution 11 <br />containing terms of the same. 12 <br /> 13 <br />Commissioner Bartel stated he agreed with what was previously said and added one component 14 <br />that hasn’t been addressed is the number of parking units. He stated he lived in an apartment in 15 <br />the city that had underground parking to accommodate the resident’s units. In the spring, he 16 <br />preferred to park on the street as did many of the other residents. The way this is cur rently laid 17 <br />out, 50% of the on-street parking is at one building in the farthest SW corner. As a visitor to the 18 <br />site , he would expect to park close to whatever building he was visiting rather than in the far SW 19 <br />corner. He stated parking needs to be looked at getting closer to City Code on ratios. 20 <br /> 21 <br />Commissioner Westrick stated she agrees with the Commissioner’s previous comments. Based 22 <br />on what was provided in written material, she found it is difficult to support this development as 23 <br />is with the 48 units per acre. She feels consideration of the Comp Plan at 25-40 is more 24 <br />reasonable. She stated she has a list of 15 issues that she feels need more research. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Commissioner Papatola commended everyone for what was a very spirited conversation. He 27 <br />stated he falls so mewhat between the other Commissioners, finding t his re -development has the 28 <br />potential to be a positive development for the southern gateway and the City as a whole. He 29 <br />appreciates the developer has brought in Aon to look at affordable housing and also appreciates 30 <br />the developer has taken community comments into account in making revisions to the plan. His 31 <br />conclusion is this is pretty much still in a draft stage. Commissioner Papatola stated s taff and the 32 <br />Commis sion have many questions as well as the Villager s and neighbors. He encouraged the 33 <br />developer to have more dialog with the community. He stated at this point , he would not be 34 <br />willing to vote on any part of this plan and suggests all four parts of the request be denied. 35 <br /> 36 <br />Ms. Rothstein stated the City has 120 days to take action on any proposal submitted so unless the 37 <br />developer provides a voluntary extension. final action would need to be taken by November 15, 38 <br />2017. If any of the items are acted upon for recommendation, they would proceed to the City 39 <br />Counc il and any items tabled would not be forwarded to the City Council but would come back 40 <br />before the Planning Commission again. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Commissioner Larson stated as a homeowner in St. Anthony Village, there is a certain right and 43 <br />expectation to improve or change o ur property as we wish. He noted the restrictions placed on 44 <br />individual homeowners are the same as placed on everyone equally and no one is given special 45 <br />16
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