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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />Mr. Thomas Isaacson, 2604 Pahl Avenue, asked about the density range the developer can make 1 <br />work. Commissioner Larson stated the developer is asking that the Bremer Bank portion be 2 <br />include d in the total amount of land and the total amount of land would be 48 units per acre. 3 <br /> 4 <br />A resident of 2601 Kenzie, stated she is an owner of a unit and asked how this project will affect 5 <br />their future values. Chairman Gondorchin stated no one could give a clear answer to that 6 <br />question. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Mr. Lowell Ludford commented regarding fire department access it is not a matter of one fire 9 <br />truck coming onto the site as there are several fire engines coming in with two of them being 10 <br />ladder trucks. 11 <br /> 12 <br />Ms. Susan Guthrie, 26 16 Pahl Avenue, stated the flooding situation needs to be researched 13 <br />further because the development should not compound the situation as it is now. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Mr. Jared Ward, civil engineer, stated this is under review by the City Engineer also and should 16 <br />not contribute to the surrounding water issues. Ms. Ro thstein stated the staff report contains all 17 <br />the questions and concerns the City Engineer had on the storm water system. The requirements 18 <br />are very detailed and specific from the Mississippi Watershed Organizatio n. There is another 19 <br />layer of permitting that needs to be evaluated. Mr. Ward stated it is a combination of 20 <br />underground storage as well as surface. 21 <br /> 22 <br />Mr. Dale Nugent, 2734 Stinson Parkway, stated he believes the traffic study has flawed 23 <br />assumptions in it as there are 102 more units not included in the study. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Chair Gondorchin closed the public hearing at 10:45 p.m. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Chairman Gondorchin expressed his opinion stating on the request to change the Comprehensive 28 <br />Plan and the Preliminary PUD, the comments expressed by the speakers this evening and adding 29 <br />2,000-3,000 residents to the City of 3 square miles with a population of 8,000 are contrary to the 30 <br />July 18, 2017 narrative by Michael Mergins in support of The Village LLC. Chairman 31 <br />Gondorchin stated he remains unc onvinced the development of 2401 and 2501 Lowry, in the 32 <br />current configuration, is in the best interest of the residents of St. Anthony or even those that 33 <br />would occupy the development. If the re-development is to go forward, he thinks the number of 34 <br />units should be capped at 20 units per acre. That recommendation is guided by Professor Ed 35 <br />Goetz, who was invited by the Council to present his views on good and bad density. Chairman 36 <br />Gondorchin stated densities of 40 units per acre and greater are better suited for cities the size of 37 <br />Minneapolis as they are better positioned to absorb increases in population. He also stated there 38 <br />are negative impacts to property values as density and affordable housing increases. Chairman 39 <br />Gondorchin stated the re -zoning of 2401 Lowry from commercial to high density residential 40 <br />should not be approved as it would increase the density of the site to 55 units per acre. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Commissioner Foster stated he respectively disagrees with Chairman Gondorchin. He believes 43 <br />the Commission is not in t he position to vote on this tonight . He has compiled a list of issues that 44 <br />have not been adequately addressed by the developer including impact on Stinson Avenue, 45 <br />traffic, density and its impact on having an affordable housing component, fire safety issues, 46 <br />15