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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />include the Bremer Bank which is vacant, to the north single -family homes, to the west single -1 <br />family homes with small scale commercial, to the south high-density housing (Autumn Woods 2 <br />Legacy and to the east high-density housing (Kenzington Ter race) – commercial (St. Anthony 3 <br />Shopping Center). 4 <br /> 5 <br />The preliminary plat and PUD preliminary development submittal proposes a residential 6 <br />redevelopment that includes several housing types, styles, and ownership models. There is a total 7 <br />of 833 housing units proposed on the site, comprised of five buildings of multifamily housing 8 <br />and 32 for-sale townhome units. Buildings A and C include 300 units of senior housing. 9 <br />Buildings B and D together are proposed to have 391 market-rate apartments and Building E 10 <br />includ es 110 units of affordable housing. Building A and B, set back behind the townhomes on 11 <br />the west side of the development, are proposed to be 55 feet in height (5 stories). Buildings C, D 12 <br />and E are proposed at 66 feet (6 stories). 13 <br /> 14 <br />The redevelopment proposal includes two storm water retention ponds and a storm water 15 <br />infiltration basin feature. Lot 2 , Block 2, contains a 1.4-acre park with a six-foot sidewalk trail 16 <br />connecting Roads A and B. There are six-foot sidewalks along each of the proposed roadways. 17 <br />Ther e is a total of 1,122 designated parking stalls proposed for the development. These include 18 <br />988 enclosed parking stalls (64 of these are associated with townhome garages), 72 surface stalls 19 <br />(associated with Building E) and 62 on street parking stalls associated with roadway bump-outs 20 <br />across the development site. 21 <br /> 22 <br />The Village, LLC has submitted the following requests with their land use application for the 23 <br />redevelopment plan for 2401 and 2501 Lowry Avenue: 24 <br /> 25 <br />Two Comprehensive Plan Amendments: 26 <br />• A C omprehensive Plan amendment to the High Density Residential district to 27 <br />accommodate a higher proposed density on the site. The overall site density is proposed 28 <br />as 48 units per acre. The current Comprehensive Plan allows a maximum density of 40 29 <br />units per acre in areas guided for High Density Residential. 30 <br />• At 2401 Lowry Avenue, a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the guided land 31 <br />use from Commercial to High Density Residential. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Rezoning request to change the zoning of the site from R1 – Single Family Residential (at 2 501 34 <br />Lowry Avenue) and C – Commercial (at 2401 Lowry Avenue) to Planned Unit Development 35 <br />(PUD). A Planned Unit Development (PUD) preliminary development plan review is also 36 <br />requested, in accordance with the rezoning request. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Preliminary Plat review for the ir re-development plan for 2401 and 2501 Lowry Avenue; a 39 <br />preliminary plat submission must include certain required elements to be considered for 40 <br />complete review. 41 <br /> 42 <br />The Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Plan discusses the following items related to the sites at 43 <br />2401 and 2501 Lowry Avenue: 44 <br /> 45 <br />3
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