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PL PACKET 09252017
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PL PACKET 09252017
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />• It guides the 2401 Lowry Avenue (Bremer Bank) site for Commercial and the 2501 1 <br />Lowry Avenue site for High Density Residential. It acknowledges that mobile home 2 <br />housing on the former Lowry Grove site was aging and states intent for a long-term 3 <br />redevelopment plan for higher -intensity use of the site. 4 <br />• It states that any changes in land use would be initiated by the landowner, not proactively 5 <br />by the City 6 <br />• It states that any change in land use would require proper notification and pro vision for 7 <br />re-location under state statute. 8 <br />• It states the importance of provision of affordable housing in this area to the community. 9 <br />• It outlines a general vision, should the property re -develop, that includes a mix of multi-10 <br />family housing (“townhomes and condominium apartments”). 11 <br />• It discusses the need for better pedestrian improvements and streetscape on Kenzie 12 <br />Terrace. 13 <br />• The density range for High Density Residential is specified as a minimum of 25 -40 14 <br />dwelling units per acre. 15 <br /> 16 <br />Ms. Rothstein reviewed the zoning guidance stating the 2401 Lowry Avenue site is currently 17 <br />zoned C – Commercial, which is a zoning district that allows generally for retail sales and 18 <br />service users. The 2501 Lowry Avenue site is currently zoned R-1 Single Family, which is a 19 <br />zoning district that allows for detached single family uses. The applicant is requesting to rezone 20 <br />both sites to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The intent of a PUD zoning designation is “to 21 <br />create a more flexible, creative, and efficient approach to the use of land”, and may include a 22 <br />greater use variety and dimensional flexibility than the underlying zoning district(s) would allow. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Ms. Rothstein referred the Commission to City Code Section §152.203. For the Preliminary 25 <br />PUD Development Review Staff deemed it complete after reviewing the submitted elements 26 <br />against the required information listed in §151.02. Ms. Rothstein summarized the housing types 27 <br />and massing/height of the buildings A-E and the townhomes for a total of 833 housing units 28 <br />proposed with an overall site density of 47.7 units per acre. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Traffic, Streets and Access: The development plan proposes two main access points, one from 31 <br />Stinson Boulevard and one from Kenzie Terrace. Building E would also retain its existing access 32 <br />drives off of Stinson and Kenzie, but there are no proposed internal roadway connections 33 <br />between Building E and the remainder of the site. Roads A, B, C, and D are included on the 34 <br />preliminary plat as Outlot A and are proposed as private roadways. A traffic study was 35 <br />completed as a part of the EAW review, and detailed recommendations were included in that 36 <br />report. The traffic study includes a recent additional memo to include and evaluate existing and 37 <br />proposed volumes on Stinson Parkway and Lowry Avenue. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Ms. Rothstein summarized the 1,122 total parking stalls for the development. She reviewed the 40 <br />Landscaping, Streetscape/Urban Design, Trails/Sidewalks, Public Spaces/Parks, Environmental 41 <br />Assessment Worksheet, Environmental (Contamination), Grading, Storm water Management, 42 <br />Utilities, Phasing, Park Dedication Fees, Development Agreements/Contracts, Other Agency 43 <br />Requirements, State Rules Governing Completion of an EAW, Minnesota Pollution Control 44 <br />Agency, Hennepin County Transportation, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and 45 <br />Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. 46 <br />4
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