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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 28 , 2017 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Mr. Brady Halverson, BKV Group, reviewed the urban design principles of the project. There 2 <br />will be agreements for easements and the hope is that the entire neighborhood uses the park and 3 <br />greenspace areas. Much of the storm water will be put in underground tanks rather than on the 4 <br />surface allowing for more greenspace. The grading has been modified per staff’s request. Trees 5 <br />will be planted throughout along with lighting. There will be walkup units with front porches 6 <br />everywhere possible. The landscape plan can be conceptually addressed but it is too early to 7 <br />provide a detailed landscape plan. Mr. Halverson showed a number of photographs and drawings 8 <br />with the plans for lighting and plantings. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Mr. Jerry Board, Civil Engineer on the project, stated this project has many challenges as there 11 <br />are over 17 feet of grade change throughout the site. He reviewed storm water, grading and 12 <br />retaining walls plans. There is a mixt ure of treatment of storm water. 13 <br /> 14 <br />A member of the architectural team reviewed the elevations for the buildings. He provided 15 <br />drawings of the various buildings. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Mr. Mike Critch, BKV Group, stated they are a leader in providing housing in the Twin Cities. 18 <br />They were involved in the Apache Plaza site redevelopment and others. Their goal is to provide 19 <br />the highest quality project possible and strength in neighborhoods. He went into greater detail on 20 <br />the items outlined in the staff report. He addressed the higher density issues. The increased 21 <br />density would not be noticeable on the street level. The highest building matches the number of 22 <br />stories of the Kenzington Terrace building. Mr. Critch stated the building heights and locations 23 <br />are located to provide access to light and air as well as street widths providing a boulevard. The 24 <br />grading plan has been altered given staff’s concerns with adjustments made to retaining walls. 25 <br />He addressed the traffic congestion concerns. He stated the addition of this development would 26 <br />not cause more traffic congestion. He stated decreasing the density will not impact the footprints. 27 <br />They are proposing unit sizes that meet market demands. Smaller units create greater 28 <br />affordability. The site plan uses are compatible and provides for different income levels. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Ms. Tracy Thomas, stated the previous speakers addressed the concerns expressed by staff. She 31 <br />was shocked to see staff’s recommendation to deny the Comprehensive Plan amendment without 32 <br />the opportunity for the developer to present the development to the Commission and the public 33 <br />this evening. There was no discussion or request for information from staff on the density to the 34 <br />developer. The project started out at over 1100 units. Modifications were made for 54 units per 35 <br />acre. She quoted concerns on the Comprehensive Plan. The current Comprehensive Plan is 36 <br />outdated. Renter preferences have changed over the last 10 years. The Zoning Codes are 37 <br />outdated and do not reflect the current market conditions. This project would bring the local 38 <br />bus inesses many more customers, most within walking distance. Ms. Thomas reviewed the 39 <br />benefits of higher density. The MET Council supports higher density. Ms. Thomas stated the 40 <br />density at 48 units per acre carefully balances the diverse interests. This is critical to being able 41 <br />to provide affordable housing. There is a connection between affordability and housing density. 42 <br />There will be 110 units of affordable housing available. 43 <br /> 44 <br />Mr. Alan Arthur, AON , stated they manage 2 ,700 affordable housing units within the Twin 45 <br />Cities. They have done many properties with more than 50 units per acre or more. The City’s 46 <br />8