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CC PACKET 10242017
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CC PACKET 10242017
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<br />this section or to challenge a determination under paragraph (b) to redact or withhold access to <br />portions of data because the data are clearly offensive to common sensibilities. The person bringing the <br />action must give notice of the action to the law enforcement agency and subjects of the data, if known. <br />The law enforcement agency must give notice to other subjects of the data, if known, who did not <br />receive the notice from the person bringing the action. The court may order that all or part of the data <br />be released to the public or to the person bringing the action. In making this determination, the court <br />shall consider whether the benefit to the person bringing the action or to the public outweighs any harm <br />to the public, to the law enforcement agency, or to a subject of the data and, if the action is challenging <br />a determination under paragraph (b), whether the data are clearly offensive to common sensibilities. <br />The data in dispute must be examined by the court in camera. This paragraph does not affect the right <br />of a defendant in a criminal proceeding to obtain access to portable recording system data under the <br />Rules of Criminal Procedure. <br />Subd. 3. Retention of data. <br />(a) Portable recording system data that are not active or inactive criminal investigative data and are not <br />described in paragraph (b) must be maintained for at least 90 days and destroyed according to the <br />agency's records retention schedule approved pursuant to section 138.17. <br />(b) Portable recording system data must be maintained for at least one year and destroyed according to <br />the agency's records retention schedule approved pursuant to section 138.17 if: <br />(1) the data document (i) the discharge of a firearm by a peace officer in the course of duty if a notice is <br />required under section 626.553, subdivision 2, or (ii) the use of force by a peace officer that results in <br />substantial bodily harm; or <br />(2) a formal complaint is made against a peace officer related to the incident. <br />(c) If a subject of the data submits a written request to the law enforcement agency to retain the <br />recording beyond the applicable retention period for possible evidentiary or exculpatory use related to <br />the circumstances under which the data were collected, the law enforcement agency shall retain the <br />recording for an additional time period requested by the subject of up to 180 days and notify the <br />requester that the recording will then be destroyed unless a new request is made under this paragraph. <br />(d) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) or (c), a government entity may retain a recording for as long as <br />reasonably necessary for possible evidentiary or exculpatory use related to the incident with respect to <br />which the data were collected. <br />Subd. 4. Access by data subjects. <br />(a) For purposes of this chapter, a portable recording system data subject includes the peace officer who <br />collected the data, and any other individual or entity, including any other peace officer, regardless of <br />whether the officer is or can be identified by the recording, whose image or voice is documented in the <br />data. <br />(b) An individual who is the subject of portable recording system data has access to the data, including <br />data on other individuals who are the subject of the recording. If the individual requests a copy of the <br />40
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