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<br />recording, data on other individuals who do not consent to its release must be redacted from the copy. <br />The identity and activities of an on-duty peace officer engaged in an investigation or response to an <br />emergency, incident, or request for service may not be redacted, unless the officer's identity is subject <br />to protection under section 13.82, subdivision 17, clause (a). <br />Subd. 5. Inventory of portable recording system technology. <br />A law enforcement agency that uses a portable recording system must maintain the following <br />information, which is public data: <br />(1) the total number of recording devices owned or maintained by the agency; <br />(2) a daily record of the total number of recording devices actually deployed and used by officers and, if <br />applicable, the precincts in which they were used; <br />(3) the policies and procedures for use of portable recording systems required by section 626.8473; and <br />(4) the total amount of recorded audio and video data collected by the portable recording system and <br />maintained by the agency, the agency's retention schedule for the data, and the agency's procedures for <br />destruction of the data. <br /> Subd. 6. Use of agency-issued portable recording systems. <br />While on duty, a peace officer may only use a portable recording system issued and maintained by the <br />officer's agency in documenting the officer's activities. <br />Subd. 7. Authorization to access data. <br />(a) A law enforcement agency must comply with sections 13.05, subdivision 5, and 13.055 in the <br />operation of portable recording systems and in maintaining portable recording system data. <br />(b) The responsible authority for a law enforcement agency must establish written procedures to ensure <br />that law enforcement personnel have access to the portable recording system data that are not public <br />only if authorized in writing by the chief of police, sheriff, or head of the law enforcement agency, or <br />their designee, to obtain access to the data for a legitimate, specified law enforcement purpose. <br />Subd. 8. Sharing among agencies. <br />(a) Portable recording system data that are not public may only be shared with or disseminated to <br />another law enforcement agency, a government entity, or a federal agency upon meeting the standards <br />for requesting access to data as provided in subdivision 7. <br />(b) If data collected by a portable recording system are shared with another state or local law <br />enforcement agency under this subdivision, the agency that receives the data must comply with all data <br />classification, destruction, and security requirements of this section. <br />41