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CC MINUTES 10102017
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 10102017
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 10, 2017 <br />Page 5 <br />1 Ms. Thomas stated to deny a proposal due to density is wrong. The City is relying on the 2008 <br />2 Comprehensive Plan as the guiding source. That Plan does not address current factors. There are <br />3 existing issues that need to be resolved and less density creates an unfeasible development. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Jared Ward, Civil Engineer, reviewed the site challenges. He stated there are a number of <br />6 things to consider for the site such as traffic, grading challenges, storm water treatment <br />7 restrictions, building and garage entrances, building setbacks, walkability and connectivity of the <br />8 site, and fire requirements. Mr. Ward stated the revised proposal addresses these concerns. <br />10 Mr. Christopher Pelpovich, BKV Architect, reviewed the overall design of the project and <br />11 pointed out some of the major elements. He reviewed the buildings and their heights and <br />12 reviewed the pieces that have changed including Building C, exterior of townhomes, Building A, <br />13 Buildings B and E, Building D. Mr. Pelpovich stated the current plan shows 712 units with 867 <br />14 enclosed parking stalls and 237 additional surface stalls with 100 being parallel parking along the <br />15 streets. Mr. Pelpovich reviewed the stages of the project and indicated the entire site would be <br />16 completed in 2022. <br />17 <br />18 Mr. Brady Halvorson reviewed the overall concept of the site and landscape plan. There will be <br />19 sidewalks on both sides of the streets with lighting and boulevard trees. They wanted to make <br />20 this a comfortable inviting neighborhood that is consistent with the neighboring properties. Good <br />21 neighborhood and community design principles have been implemented. He reviewed the <br />22 outside space available to all residents, noting there would be room for 38 additional parking <br />23 spaces if some of the green space was given up. <br />24 <br />25 Mr. Pelpovich returned to the podium and reviewed the outside of Building B and the number of <br />26 units within the building and parking. He also reviewed Building D, which would be the largest <br />27 building on the site, and the townhomes plan. <br />28 <br />29 Ms. Mindy Michaels, Sr. Project Manager, provided insight into the design for the senior <br />30 components included in senior services building and the senior co -op building. She reviewed the <br />31 services available in the senior services building. <br />32 <br />33 Ms. Traci Thomas returned to the podium and quoted from the Comprehensive Plan regarding <br />34 Lowry Grove development. She then reviewed the settlement. <br />35 <br />36 Mr. Christopher Pelpovich reviewed Building E and stated one of the challenges is the ground <br />37 water contamination that is occurring. The same applies to Building B. <br />38 <br />39 Mr. Alan Arthur, President and CEO of AEON, stated he is frustrated and confused with the <br />40 recommendation from the City Manager to deny the strong and compelling proposal by The <br />41 Village. He feels they have appropriately responded to most of the comments and concerns with <br />42 the previous proposal. He is discouraged the 97 homes from the Lowry Grove Mobile Home <br />43 Park might not be replaced. He does not see how 41.4 units per acre compared to the <br />44 Comprehensive Plan of 40 units per acre is a deal breaker. If that is the case, AEON would only <br />45 do 75 -80 affordable apartment homes to keep the density at 40 units /acre. He stated he is sad the <br />46 City would turn down the revised proposal. <br />
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