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CC MINUTES 10102017
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 10102017
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 10, 2017 <br />Page 6 <br />2 Mr. Jack Cann, Attorney representing the Lowry Grove Resident Association, stated about 60 of <br />3 the residents at Lowry Grove had homes that couldn't be moved. Most of those are at the mercy <br />4 of an extremely hostile apartment rental environment. He asked what the long -term housing <br />5 solution is on behalf of those residents. Mr. Cann referred to the City's website "Lowry Grove <br />6 Redevelopment" and read the principles. Mr. Casey's recommendation did not include any <br />7 analysis of affordable housing proposed for the project and the planning principles noted on the <br />8 website were not addressed. Mr. Cann quoted from City Code and asked why staff did a 180- <br />9 degree pivot when they learned there would be 110 units of deeply affordable housing and invite <br />10 the previous Lowry Grove residents back into that housing. Mr. Cann the City included in the <br />11 Comprehensive Plan the plan to redevelop Lowry Grove and get rid of its residents and by <br />12 requiring a density of 25 units /acre those residents will stay gone. He indicated there are some <br />13 potential legal consequences that have been conveyed to the City Attorney. <br />14 <br />15 Mr. Bill Skolnick, Legal Counsel for Brad Hoyt and The Village LLC, stated he knows what the <br />16 City and surrounding areas are like because he lived in the area. Mr. Hoyt has given him two <br />17 missions this evening. Mr. Skolnick read a letter Mr. Hoyt had written in full. The second <br />18 mission was to give a perspective. He feels Mayor Faust's confidence in Mr. Casey's opinion is <br />19 misplaced in this situation as his opinion directly contradicts the facts and the findings. Mr. <br />20 Skolnick stated facts that were stated or written from the City, noting the City Attorney told one <br />21 of The Village staff this morning that Council would deny the proposal before even hearing the <br />22 evidence. He stated that is not the way it is supposed to work. Mr. Skolnick stated the City <br />23 Attorney had a conversation with Mr. Mergens this morning. Mr. Skolnick asked what happened <br />24 between Mr. Casey saying the more density the better as long as the City's infrastructure can <br />25 handle it and now. Mr. Skolnick stated he hopes Council will consider the revised proposal and <br />26 the importance of this development to the City. <br />27 <br />28 Ms. Thomas stated she does not know the reason for the proposed resolution of 25 units /acre. <br />29 She would have loved to have that as redevelopment of the site benefits the community, <br />30 residents, and surrounding communities. She noted the proposal of 40 units /acre complies with <br />31 the 2008 Comprehensive Plan and requested Council approve the Preliminary PUD and <br />32 Preliminary Plat for 2501 Lowry Avenue and the Comprehensive Plan amendment to change <br />33 2401 Lowry Avenue land use. <br />34 <br />35 Ms. Monique Dubos, 2601 Kenzie Terrace, stated there seems to be great progress on the project <br />36 and closer to the 25 units /acre but that is still a lot of traffic and density. She stated it shouldn't <br />37 be up to this development to address all the affordable housing needs in St. Anthony. She <br />38 addressed the planning goals and said going to the lower density of the range would be more <br />39 compatible with the neighborhood. Ms. Dubos stated at the last meeting, she had presented a <br />40 petition with over 800 signatures and added a page containing more signatures. <br />41 <br />42 Mr. Perry Thorvig, 3112 Townview Avenue, mentioned three points, noting he was in Mr. Casey <br />43 and Ms. Rothstein's shoes for many years. He noted when you get the details of a potential <br />44 project, it's different than initial general discussions. Mr. Thorvig stated the developers have <br />45 made some concessions on reducing units but they have not heard a single word that the <br />46 neighbors said about the use of the alley. He offered an alternative suggestion to eliminate <br />
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