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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 10, 2017 <br />Page 8 <br />I current density of their neighborhood and the units proposed are 2 -3- bedroom units. He felt <br />2 families moved into St. Anthony because of the school system. He looks forward to a plan that is <br />3 25 units /acre density, brings in tax revenue, and allows affordable housing that will enhance and <br />4 not overwhelm the current school system. <br />6 Ms. Barbara Sullivan, 2613 Lowry Avenue NE, stated she is concerned about the infrastructure, <br />7 water, traffic study, and the EAW. She stated the City needs to look at their resources. <br />8 <br />9 Mr. Ned Moore, 3500 38`h Avenue S., representing the Assembly for Civil Rights, stated they <br />10 were involved in organizing the Lowry Grove residents. He is representing Antonia Alvarez who <br />11 is unable to make it tonight because her daughter is in the hospital. Mr. Moore quoted scripture <br />12 and demanded the City take responsibility for its actions and decisions and become a force for <br />13 justice rather than indifference. He felt the loss of Lowry Grove was in process for a long time <br />14 and that a group of residents concerned about the closing of Lowry Grove came to City Hall and <br />15 were told there was nothing for them to worry about. He stated residents looked to the City for <br />16 leadership and assistance and had requested meetings with the City Council but throughout the <br />17 14 -month process, Council had very little to say. Mr. Moore stated the developer said if they had <br />18 known they would be limited to 25 units /acre, they never would have bought the property. Mr. <br />19 Moore stated this is astounding to play `bait and switch' with the developer and the Council <br />20 needs to take responsibility for their role in the closing of Lowry Grove. He believed there was a <br />21 direct link between density and affordability and urged the Council to stand up for justice even if <br />22 it isn't popular and honor the commitment made to Lowry Grove residents in the 2008 <br />23 Comprehensive Plan. <br />24 <br />25 Mr. Dale Nugent, 2734 Stinson Parkway, stated he is very concerned about having this developer <br />26 as their neighbor. He felt Stinson Parkway was a jewel in the neighborhood and that traffic <br />27 studies were garbage that have been done so far because they contain many false assumptions. <br />28 Mr. Nugent stated there needs to be a do over and he is excited about the prospect of getting <br />29 affordable housing into Lowry Grove. Mr. Nugent stated he is not so certain about the developer <br />30 but the TAP proposal sounds good. <br />31 <br />32 Councilmember Gray stated when Mark Casey was hired he was excited about having a great <br />33 City Manager and over the past 1'/2 years, he is convinced Mr. Casey is an outstanding City <br />34 Manager, probably the best in the State. Councilmember Gray stated he is concerned that <br />35 Council is ignored in the process since Council is making the decisions. He noted the Council <br />36 did not have any meetings with the developer. He stated he has concerns about the proposal but <br />37 if the resolution is supported, that does not mean the Council is against affordable housing. He <br />38 indicated he will be voting in favor of the resolution. <br />39 <br />40 Councilmember Stille stated he will be voting in favor of the resolution, noting that trying to <br />41 shame the City for its lack of affordable housing is ridiculous since there are 1,458 rental units <br />42 and 84% are affordable at some level up to 80% AMI. In addition, 433 units have been <br />43 developed within the last 15 years and of those, 52% are affordable. Councilmember Stille stated <br />44 he agrees there is an affordability crisis but the burden cannot be placed on St. Anthony. He felt <br />45 TAP would go a long way in bringing people together, noting the Council is listening to the <br />46 resident's concerns. <br />