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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 10, 2017 <br />Page 7 <br />townhouses and replace them with dry water retention ponds or rain gardens and recreation <br />space. He noted on TIF, it is not known how much is proposed and there would be no tax base <br />from this project for 25 years. <br />5 Ms. Ginny Lahti, 2601 Kenzie Terrace, stated she is in favor of the redevelopment of Lowry <br />6 Grove and affordable housing even to the level of 97 units. She is in favor of the rezoning of the <br />7 area to high density but within the allowable range of 25 -40 units /acre. She stated density and <br />8 height were always the issue and scaling back the density should not reduce the affordable <br />9 housing. She hopes an agreement can be reached between the developer and the City. <br />10 <br />11 Ms. Patricia LeBossier, 2653 Stinson, stated there is an issue with flooding in her basement when <br />12 there is a heavy rain. She is concerned about the density. She noted the alley way is used as a <br />13 walkway for residents to the strip mall and she is concerned about keeping the City the way it is. <br />14 <br />15 Ms. Carol Weiler, 2312 St. Anthony Parkway, referred to The Legacy density, the EAW Record <br />16 of Decision, and the letter from the Met Council regarding the EAW. She also referred to <br />17 Exhibits provided by the developer, noting density was the major concern that neighbors voiced <br />18 at many meetings. Ms. Weiler asked if an EAW has been done on the Bremer site since it was <br />19 added. <br />20 <br />21 Mr. John Grevious, 2239 Wilson Street, thanked the Council for listening to the concerns, noting <br />22 most are livability factors based on density. He stated there needs to be a revised traffic study <br />23 given the comments by Hennepin County and he hopes the TAP is pursued. <br />24 <br />25 Mr. Thomas Issacson, 2604 Pahl Avenue, stated he supports the resolution presented to the <br />26 Council. He believed that density needs to be reviewed as it fits within the existing <br />27 neighborhood. He is concerned about the use of the public alley and noted that employee parking <br />28 has not been addressed in the plan as well as weekend guests. There are issues at other CPG <br />29 properties. Mr. Issacson voiced his concerns about the townhomes and asked that CPG and The <br />30 Village settle with the Lowry Grove residents. He stated the affordable housing cannot <br />31 automatically go to Lowry Grove residents as that is illegal. He would like to see more <br />32 affordable units and recommended AEON as a partner for the City. <br />33 <br />34 Ms. Kari Domeyer, Pahl Avenue, stated she lives very close to the former Lowry Grove site. Her <br />35 children attend St. Charles school. She is concerned with how the development will affect the <br />36 safety of the children going to the school, thinks this plan would negatively affect St. Charles <br />37 school and is not a good fit for the community. She requested Council support the resolution to <br />38 deny the current plan. <br />39 <br />40 Mr. Tom Deegan, 2616 Pahl Avenue, supports Mr. Casey's discussion posted on the City's <br />41 website last Friday. He noted Lowry being a one -lane road now should be addressed in a new <br />42 traffic study. He stated he spoke with the State Fire Marshall yesterday and provided Council <br />43 with some documents about the Fire Vehicle Access Roads. <br />44 <br />45 Mr. Chad Gillard, 2524 Pahl Avenue, requested the Council support Resolution 17 -070 as this <br />46 plan would not benefit the citizens of St. Anthony. He stated the density is 6 times that of the <br />