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PL PACKET 09182012
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PL PACKET 09182012
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 21, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />2 Interim City Planner Corkle explained the property owners would like to add a shed next to their <br />3 garage located on the southern end of the property, noting the house is oriented toward Stinson <br />4 Boulevard. She stated the proposed shed is angled due to trees in the area and the property <br />5 owners are trying to avoid impacting these trees. She stated the property owners are requesting a <br />6 variance for an accessory structure in the front yard and the Zoning Code requires all accessory <br />7 structures to be located in the rear yard; however, the property is oriented in such a way that an <br />8 accessory structure cannot be placed in the rear yard. She presented several photographs of the <br />9 property stating that it would be difficult for the property owners to meet the setback <br />10 requirements due to the existing garage and the proposed shed would be placed partially in the <br />11 front and side yard. She indicated the orientation of the home does not allow for an accessory <br />12 structure in the rear yard, the garage is currently used for storage of equipment, and the proposed <br />13 shed would be used for storage and would allow a vehicle to be parked in the garage. She <br />14 advised that other options for the property owner that would not require a variance include <br />15 expanding the existing garage or adding on to the home to provide the desired storage space. <br />16 She noted that expanding the garage would require modification to the recently constructed art <br />17 studio and the owners believe their best avenue is a variance from the front yard setback. <br />18 <br />19 Chair Heinis asked if the property owners would need a variance if the house faced the street to <br />20 the north and the side yard faced Stinson Boulevard. <br />21 <br />22 Interim City Planner Corkle replied that if the house was oriented toward 27h Avenue, the <br />23 proposed shed would be located in the back yard. She noted the City would also need to look at <br />24 the rear yard setback but felt it was likely the property owners would have room to put the <br />25 proposed shed in this location if the house was oriented differently. <br />26 <br />27 Ms. Nina Guertin and Ms. Patti LaBossiere appeared before the Planning Commission. <br />28 <br />29 Commissioner Niccum requested information about materials to be used on the shed and asked if <br />30 the materials would be similar to the art studio. He also asked about the location of the door. <br />31 <br />32 Ms. LaBossiere stated the proposed shed will look similar to the art studio and will include cedar <br />33 shakes. She stated the shed will have two doors and one door will face north and the other door <br />34 will face east toward the house. <br />35 <br />36 Commissioner Chaput requested that the property owners provide a detailed sketch of the shed <br />37 showing the placement of the doors and showing the proposed cedar shakes at the public hearing. <br />38 <br />39 Commissioner Niccum requested that the property owners also show the distances from the <br />40 street and property line to the fence and then from the fence to the proposed shed to depict how <br />41 far the proposed shed is from the side yard. <br />42 <br />43 Commissioner Chaput requested information about other options considered by the owners. <br />44 <br />45 Ms. Guertin stated they considered placing the shed on the east side against the fence line but <br />46 that would mean you would see the 20' section of the shed from the street and they felt this <br />
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