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PL PACKET 09182012
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PL PACKET 09182012
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 21, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />would not be as attractive as having the shorter 10' side in the placement they propose because <br />this would reduce the visual impact. <br />Chair Heinis asked how far the corner of the shed would be from the property line. He also <br />asked if it was possible to move the shed two or three feet further into the yard. <br />7 Ms. Guertin stated the shed would be three feet from the fence line itself and another three feet <br />8 from the property line. She indicated they would consider moving the shed towards the house. <br />9 <br />10 Chair Heinis stated this matter will be considered at a public hearing on September 18`h <br />11 <br />12 VIII. OTHER BUSINESS. <br />13 <br />14 VIII. 1. Revise Planning Commission Meeting Schedule. <br />15 <br />16 Interim City Planner Corkle requested that the Planning Commission consider changing its <br />17 meeting schedule to the 4`h Monday of the month beginning in October. She stated this change <br />18 would be helpful to staff by providing extra turnaround time following Planning Commission <br />19 meetings to get materials ready for the City Council. <br />20 <br />21 Commissioner Chaput requested that meeting materials be provided to the Planning <br />22 Commissioners sufficiently in advance of a Monday meeting because this change in meeting <br />23 schedule could impact Commissioners who leave town for a long weekend. <br />24 <br />25 Interim City Planner Corkle agreed that staff would provide meeting materials sufficiently in <br />26 advance of a Monday meeting. <br />27 <br />28 Motion by Commissioner Crone, second by Commissioner Niccum, to recommend the City <br />29 Council revise the Planning Commission meeting schedule to the 4'h Monday of the month <br />30 beginning October 22, 2012. <br />31 <br />32 Motion carried 5 -0. <br />33 <br />34 VIII.2. Discussion on Concept Review Process. <br />35 <br />36 Interim City Planner Corkle explained that communities do not typically schedule concept <br />37 reviews for CUP requests, interim use permits, or variance requests that are relatively simple in <br />38 nature and concept reviews are generally used for larger developments or for major <br />39 redevelopments. She stated she spoke with Mr. Casey and Ms. Johnson regarding whether the <br />40 City needs a concept review process given the recent staff transition as well as the detailed <br />41 information now being provided in the staff reports. She added that staff is making sure to meet <br />42 with applicants before their applications are accepted to make sure all required information is <br />43 submitted and suggested that the Planning Commission review and approve or deny applications <br />44 at one meeting rather than having applicants go through the current multi -stage process which is <br />45 confusing for applicants and takes additional staff time and resources. <br />46 <br />
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