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PL PACKET 06192012
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PL PACKET 06192012
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11/1/2017 3:08:52 PM
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11/1/2017 3:08:10 PM
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June 11, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />2. Property and Zoning Code Information <br />The property is located at 3207 Silver Lake Road and is a corner lot in the R -1 zoning district. The <br />Zoning Code requires a rear yard setback equal to the greater of 20 percent of the depth of the entire <br />lot or 25 feet (152.039 (G)). The setback for the property is 31 feet using the 20 percent rule. <br />Therefore, the variance is necessary due to the garage being proposed within the setback. <br />Additionally, the Code indicates that garages cannot be larger than the principal structure or be more <br />than 1,000 square feet in R -1, R -IA and R -2 zoned property. <br />The City's Zoning Code has a provision for a garage setback permit. This option, however, limits the <br />property owner to a garage that is 528 square feet. The proposed garage is 648 square feet, so a <br />variance would be needed from the garage setback permit process. In discussing the situation with <br />the city attorney, there would be two options to pursue: 1) a rear -yard setback variance or 2) a <br />variance from the garage setback permit process. Given the stipulations for the garage setback permit <br />process, legal and planning staff agreed that the cleaner approach to the variance is a simple rear -yard <br />variance. <br />3. Proposed Change <br />As indicated above, the property owner wishes to construct a detached garage on the east end of the <br />property. The proposed garage is 27 feet wide and 24 feet deep. It has a total area of 648 square feet. <br />The applicant proposes to construct the garage 30' from the side lot line and 17' from the rear yard <br />line. A copy of the site plan and concept plan for the garage are shown in Exhibit B. <br />The property owners state that placing the garage completely outside the rear setback would place the <br />garage only 14 feet from the eastern wall of the house which would be harmful for several reasons. <br />The garage would block light coming into the dining room, affecting the enjoyment of the room. It <br />would also prohibit building any deck or patio off of the eastern wall of the house. Locating the <br />garage 14 feet from the home could also have an impact on drainage, as there would be limited space <br />between both structures. The property owners have stated that an attached garage is not a feasible <br />option, as it would fundamentally change the character and form of the house. The only location for <br />an attached garage would be the eastern wall, which would require that the owners enter the garage <br />through the dining room. This action would result in the house not meeting the occupancy <br />requirements stated in the code (150.095 (A)). It should also be noted that this property has a large <br />front yard which impacts the amount of land available for a rear yard. It is difficult to fit a structure <br />in the rear yard and meet all the setback requirements. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Location Map <br />Exhibit B: Applicant's Application <br />• Application <br />• Legal Description <br />• Practical Difficulties <br />• Old Sketch Plan <br />• Purchase Agreement <br />• Building Design <br />• Revised Sketch Plan <br />
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