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A <br />wse <br />Infrastructure . Engineering . Planning . Construction <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE MEMORANDUM <br />To: St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />From: Jacqueline Corkle, PTP, AICP Interim City Planner <br />Date: May 29, 2012 <br />Planning Commission Special Session for June 4, 2012 <br />City Council Regular Meeting for June 12, 2012 <br />WSB Project No. 01626 -630 <br />701 Xenia Avenue South <br />Suite 300 <br />Minneapolis, MN 55416 <br />Tel: 763 -541 41800 <br />Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 <br />Regarding: The regulation of Assemblies, Meeting Lodges and Convention Halls <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the information provided in the study regarding the regulation of assemblies, meeting lodges <br />and convention halls, staff recommends that the St. Anthony Village Planning Commission recommend to <br />the St. Anthony City Council to accept the findings of the study and adopt Option #3 as outlined in <br />Exhibit B. <br />BACKGROUND <br />As the Planning Commission is aware, the St. Anthony Village City Council directed staff to prepare a <br />study regarding the regulation of assemblies, meeting lodges and convention halls as conditional uses in <br />the Light Industrial and Commercial Districts. In addition, the City Council has passed a moratorium on <br />the issuance of Conditional Use Permits for Assemblies, Meeting Lodges or Convention Halls within <br />Commercial and Light Industrial Zoning Districts in order to allow the study to be completed and to allow <br />for any potential changes to the city's Zoning Code. <br />The study on the regulation of assemblies, meeting lodges and convention halls as conditional uses in the <br />Light Industrial land Commercial Districts has recently been distributed to the Planning Commission and <br />has been provided for public review. This evening the study is presented to the Planning Commission for <br />recommendations to the City Council. <br />STUDY OVERVIEW <br />A. Study Purpose. The purpose of the study was six -fold: <br />1. Determine the meaning of `assembly' as used within the existing Zoning Code, <br />2. Determine whether the city intended religious assemblies to exist as conditional uses in <br />commercial (C) and light industrial (LI) zoning districts. <br />3. Ensure that any amendment to the Zoning Code does not conflict with the city's intent in <br />planning for property in the C and LI districts <br />4. Ensure that, if amended, the Zoning Code is improved in regard to consistency and clarity with <br />respect to the use of `assemblies'. <br />5. Ensure that the Zoning Code is consistent with federal law. <br />6. Respect any applicants currently having a pending application. <br />