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May 25, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />B. Key Findings. The study drew a number of conclusions based on the study purpose outlined above. <br />1. Meaning of `assembly' as used within the existing Zoning Code. The Zoning Code exists in <br />Chapter 152 of the City Code. It contains an "intent and purpose" and defines and describes nine <br />separate zoning districts in which certain uses may occur as "permitted uses" or "conditional <br />uses." Each zoning district has a stated purpose as contemplated by the underlying planning <br />goals of the City. "Churches, synagogues, and temples" are allowed within certain residential <br />districts. "Assemblies, meeting lodges, and convention halls" are allowed within commercial and <br />light industrial districts. These terms have distinct and separate intended meanings. The Zoning <br />Code arguably prohibits places of worship within non - residential districts because the use of a <br />religious assembly does not fit the type of assembly use allowed within the Zoning Code. <br />2. City intent for religious assemblies in C and LI districts. Because the city has little of its <br />space devoted to, and available for, commercial or light industrial use, it is important that the city <br />properly determine what types of permitted or conditional uses may exist within these valuable <br />zoning districts. <br />The zoning districts allow for permitted uses and conditional uses. A permitted use is "[a] use <br />expressly authorized by the zoning code for a particular district or districts." City Code § <br />152.008 (Zoning Code definitions section). A conditional use is "[a] use which is not classified <br />as a permitted use but which may be permitted subject to conditions imposed by the City <br />Council." Each zoning district has a specifically stated purpose. Besides having different <br />planning goals and intentions, the zoning districts also differ in their allowance of certain types of <br />religious or secular "assemblies." <br />The R -1 Single Family District, the R -2 Two - Family District, the R -3 Townhouse District and the <br />R -4 Multiple- Family District all allow for a permitted conditional use of "Churches, temples, or <br />synagogues and their supporting homes, convents, or rectories." The C General Commercial <br />District allows for the permitted conditional use of "Assembly, lodge or convention halls." The C <br />District does not specifically permit places of worship, churches, or religious assembly of any <br />kind. The LI Light Industrial District allows for the permitted conditional use of "Assembly, <br />meeting lodge, or convention halls." The LI District does not specifically permit places of <br />worship, churches, or religious assembly of any kind. <br />The Zoning Code does not define churches, temples or synagogues, nor does it define assembly, <br />meeting lodge, or convention halls. The Zoning Code specifically allows for churches, temples, <br />or synagogues within certain residential zoning districts. The Zoning Code specifically allows for <br />assemblies, meeting lodges, or convention halls within the commercial and light industrial zoning <br />districts. The study found that a difference exists between the city's intended meaning of <br />"churches, temples or synagogues" and "assemblies, lodges, or convention halls." <br />3. Ensure potential amendments do not conflict with intent of commercial and light industrial <br />districts. <br />Commercial District <br />The purpose of the city's commercial zoning district is "to provide areas for retail sales and <br />services located and regulated so as to minimize adverse effects on neighboring residential <br />districts and congestion of public streets." The types of uses allowed within this district are uses <br />associated with business and commerce. <br />Section 152.121 of the Zoning Code lists over 70 permitted uses which exemplify types of <br />businesses or establishments engaging in or supporting commerce. Examples include a wide <br />variety of retail stores (e.g., appliance stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, toy stores) and retail <br />service establishments (e.g., attorneys, bakeries, employment agency offices, health professional <br />offices, postal substations, veterinary clinics). <br />
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