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City of St. Anthony %V6W <br />Drainage and Flood Assistance Policy <br />THIS POLICY HAS BEEN DEVELOPED TO ASSIST PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN <br />THE CITY OF ST. ANTHONY THAT HAVE BEEN SUBJECT TO RECURRENT <br />FLOODING AND PROPERTY DAMAGE DUE TO POOR DRAINAGE <br />1. GENERAL <br />This document sets forth the guidelines for the administration of the City of <br />St. Anthony's Drainage and Flood Relief Assistance Policy, hereafter known as <br />the "Policy ". <br />1. Assistance will be offered to St. Anthony property owners under funding <br />allocated by the St. Anthony City Council. <br />2. The City of St. Anthony will pay 65% of the improvement costs; the <br />benefitted or contributing property owner or owners will be responsible for <br />the remaining 35% of the costs. <br />2. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS <br />1. Eligible applicants are owners of property in St. Anthony. <br />2. There are no income, asset or equity requirements. <br />3. Applicants must complete a petition for improvements and submit the <br />petition to the City Manager for consideration. Sample petition is provided <br />as Attachment A. <br />4. Upon acceptance and review of the Petition by the City Manager, the <br />manager may request that a feasibility evaluation be completed by the <br />Public Works and Engineering. <br />5. Upon completion of the feasibility evaluation the City Manager may initiate <br />a Neighborhood Meeting to discuss the findings, costs and potential <br />assessments for the improvements. <br />3. ELIGIBLE IMPROVEMENTS <br />Improvements are limited to flood relief improvements as approved by the City <br />Council and may include, but are not limited to, any of the following items: <br />1. Constructing lateral storm sewer or grading drainage ways from the City's <br />trunk drainage system along property lines, within ROW, or drainage and <br />utility easements. <br />C \USERSIBARB. SUCIU\APPDATA\ LOCAL \MICROSOFT\WINDOWS \TEFWgck9RY INTERNET FILES \CONTENT.OUTLOOK\9ZB8SHZ0\FLOOD POLICY 1013 . DOCX <br />