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Who are the members of the Safety Committee? <br />• Ryan Antitila, Fire Department (Chair) <br />• Chuck Autio, Public Works Department <br />• Mike Larson, Liquor Department <br />• Barb Suciu, Administration Department <br />• Tim Briski, Police Department <br />• Paul VanDenboom, Public Works Department <br />• Schawn Johnson, HR Consultant <br />• Mike Music, ILC Consultant <br />What are the objectives of the City's health and <br />safety program? <br />The goal of the Health and Safety Program is to prevent and reduce employee injuries and <br />illnesses through the administration of an effective Health and Safety Program. <br />Elements of the City's Health and Safety program are: <br />• Maintain safe and healthy working conditions <br />• Ensure that employees are following standard operating practices designed to prevent <br />injuries and illness. <br />• Comply with applicable Federal, State and Local safety regulations. <br />• Ensure that each employee is properly trained and instructed on job responsibilities. <br />• Provide necessary safety training for employees to educate and communicate City <br />policies. <br />• Conduct periodic safety inspections to identify potential hazards in the workplace. <br />• Conduct accident /injury investigations (First Report of Injuries) to determine the cause <br />of an employee accidents /injuries and the actions necessary to prevent future <br />occurrences. <br />9/20/2013 <br />3 <br />