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a-1••···-···-···-···-···9! i i <br />I ! . . <br />; I <br />I ! <br />! i <br />I ! <br />i i I ! . . ; I <br />I ! . . <br />; I <br />I ! . . -. ! ~1 •• 1aa 1• <br />! <br />1. SalO Pond i <br />Silvff L•k• wato1 quality I <br />1mprovomont (under c.onstruction}-t---- <br />2. Oomlnlum Development ~ ; <br />Approved high density H'"°:' -_,,....__ <br />houu1g (ul'ld•r constn.JcbOn) i: <br />3 . Gas S~lionlCar Wash Sif9 A <br />Potcnlla l futUl'o redo~loprnc:tnt I <br />opportunity i'- <br />~ ·-_.. .. _,,_ .. _ <br />4 . Vacant Lot ( .A <br />Future Redevek)pme / ~ <br />Vacant Gas Station ==. <br />May 12. 2014 <br />28. Housu on 39th <br />FUlure Redevelopment Opportunity <br />2ti. Mirror L ake Flooding <br />RC~ Cloan Water Fund Grent <br />! <br />; 24 Safe Routes to School Plan Y Ptannlng fur'ldil'lg from M nOOT Sat• <br />Routes to School Grant -7~ <br />' =:3 201• Road Pro,ects l (Wider comtru<;tlOn) I 22 . 2015 Road Projects Tank romo va l required ii <br />by January 2 018 ~ a (future projlctod PfOJOCt) <br />c..: ~;:.-----~if--21 . 201• Rainganten/Bioswale PtOJK I <br />6 . Flood Are-a h FUluro gro.dtng and l"l~ahahon of a <br />~ck yard M:wer f1 <br />per adopted polie~ (2014) <br />7. Future MPRB! ----t <br />Potonbal f'uturo ttad por l <br />Honn. Co. Blk• Plan l <br />8 . :~:d·,~~.~!'=~~ic.----!!i------- <br />Cunontly b9nljl re'\lfewed by l <br />HlllMO P.., County f <br />9. LED Pe~s trian Crossin <br />Hennepin County fundi ng <br />Contrlbutton construction In 2014 <br />5 • <br />10. Lowiry Orovt ---:-:-:~­ <br />Future rodovelopment opportunity ~ <br />,~--ii---7"7 <br />12. ·~ ! <br />"" \ <br />\ <br />\ <br />! ~~::,:a~:r,.:;::n~ for RCWD permk <br />; Fall 2014 <br />~ <br />! <br />! • '! <br />;_ <br />! <br />20. Pedutrl an lmprov•ment <br />Coordination with Hennepin CotJnty <br />11. Hennepm County Resurf.acinv Pro~ct <br />Summor 2014 <br />i 18. l ndu1trial PMk Future Redeve~pment <br />Future opportunlles 1or redevelopme nt <br />-=--=l <br />; 17. ~:~e~;;~n~1'!.e:~trojtct ~ CootdlnauonwM Hennep~ Couniy <br />16. P aik Flooding <br />Future construetlon t>f stormwator <br />pondinljl on oas.o menl <br />! ~; i <br />ts. Scre-e ni ng P roject 14. Sl Anthonv Reljlion al ! I I 16. Future MPRB Trait <br />Planting addltlonal trees Tre.atment System i ': ! Pot.!ntial Mure trail per <br />SonnglSummor 2014 Funded by MWMO ! I i Henn Co B*e Plan <br />S1gnal l mprovemenl1 ~~~:c:::.·:, c;~n .. ty i I i <br />Fundmljl from HSIP Grant ; • I <br />(8 ) 2016 COMlruct!on i i i <br />!1•••1•••····\·····-···••1••: <br />' ........ =====-_. ......... •:._, A <br />Addendum3