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PK PACKET 03122018
Parks & Planning Commission
Parks and Environmental Commission Packets
PK PACKET 03122018
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3/6/2018 7:38:41 AM
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2/28/2018 11:13:52 AM
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On October 24, 2016, the Planning Commission reviewed an initial Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br />sketch plan submission for the site from The Village, LLC. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet <br />(EAW) for the site was completed in November of 2016. <br />On July 18, 2017, The Village, LLC submitted a series of land use applications for their proposed <br />redevelopment of the former Lowry Grove site that also included Bremer Bank. On October 10, 2017, <br />the City Council denied the request and adopted a resolution outlining their stated reasons. <br />On December 22, 2017, The Village, LLC submitted new applications and requests for a preliminary PUD <br />plan/rezoning, a preliminary plat, and a comprehensive plan amendment for the site. Their submission <br />was deemed incomplete at that time, due to changes in status of the purchase agreement over the <br />Bremer property. <br />On February 8, 2018, The Village, LLC submitted revised plan for preliminary plat and preliminary PUD <br />development plan for the site that excluded the Bremer Bank site. The application was deemed <br />complete by the city and is the subject of this review. <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST <br />The Village, LLC has submitted the following request with their land use application for the <br />redevelopment plan for 2501 Lowry Avenue: <br /> <br /> Park land dedication review <br /> <br />ZONING GUIDANCE <br />Section 151. 12 of City code requires that the owners of a parcel of land of 1 acre or more in size and <br />being subdivided shall dedicate to the city a reasonable portion of the land for use as public parks, <br />playgrounds, trails or open space, or, in the alternative, the city may require a cash contribution. It is <br />deemed reasonable for the City Council to require as a condition of subdivision, approval dedication <br />of 10% of the total square foot area of the land being subdivided, or the cash contribution. <br />City code outlines land which is not credited. At the city’s option, the following types of land shall not be <br />credited for the requirements of zoning ordinance: <br /> Land dedicated or obtained as easements for storm water retention, drainage, roadway, or <br />utility purposes; <br /> Land which is unusable or of limited use; and <br /> Land that is protected wetlands/flood plain. <br /> <br />PARK DEDICATION REVIEW <br />The applicant’s proposal lists park land dedication as follows: <br />Parcel Area <br />Village Property Site 669,585 S.F. (15.372 AC) <br />10% Dedication Requirement 66,958 S.F. (1.537 AC) <br />Total Land Dedication Proposed (by Developer) 85,396 S.F. (1.96 AC) <br /> <br />The proposal that the developer submitted was for the city to accept for parkland dedication in the form <br />of a public recreation easement, a total of 85,396 square feet of the land along the west and northern <br />boundary of the site. This land contains the trail and a series of activity nodes along the trail. The trail <br />connects to Kenzie and to Stinson Parkway, as shown in the below exhibit.
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