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CC PACKET 05222018
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CC PACKET 05222018
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<br /> <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br /> Mark Casey, City Manager <br />From: Breanne Rothstein, AICP, City Planner <br />Date: May 22, 2018 City Council Meeting <br />WSB Project No. 02170‐230 <br />Request: Public Hearing regarding the Draft 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update and a <br />motion authorizing staff to complete adjacent community review <br /> <br />OVERVIEW <br />A comprehensive plan is the city’s guiding policy document related to the built environment. In general, <br />a city’s comprehensive plan consists of visioning, community engagement, a well‐planned process and <br />procedure for analyzing demographic and analytic data, asking key stakeholders and community <br />members what they want to see in the future, and proposing a series of policies related to the city’s <br />built environment – their land uses and development, infrastructure, and parks, trails, and open spaces. <br />Largely, comprehensive plans govern the property and land located in the community and how that land <br />can be used, serviced with utilities, and managed over long periods of time. <br />Every ten years, Minnesota State Statute requires that each community in the seven county Twin Cities <br />metro area review and update their Comprehensive Plans to be consistent with regional policies. The <br />Metropolitan Council is responsible for the development and implementation of this regional policy <br />through the review of each community’s comprehensive plan update. There are a number of detailed <br />required components and policies required by the Metropolitan Council regarding land use, housing, <br />parks and trails, sewer, water, and surface water. These requirements are detailed and require a close <br />examination of local land use and infrastructure planning and policy. <br />Recent development interest in St. Anthony, particularly the re‐development of the Lowry Grove,and <br />development trends toward re‐development, has sparked interest in the importance and value of the <br />Comprehensive Plan as a guiding vision document for growth and development in the city. This interest <br />has generated a high level of community engagement and input into the plan. Given this, the city <br />undertook a major update and overhaul of the comprehensive plan. <br />PROCESS TO DATE <br />The City of St. Anthony has been working on the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update for the past 18 <br />months. In that time period, the city undertook an extensive community engagement and visioning <br />process. Input was collected throughout the process from over 15 engagement sessions, including: a <br />visioning meeting, a sustainability focus group, around the community, at the high school, the rental <br />complexes, Village Fest, and the community education classrooms, and social media, engaging over 250 <br />residents and community members. Also, the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has met 11 <br />times over the past 18 months to review changing demographics and market forces, discuss goals and <br />17
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