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CC PACKET 05222018
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CC PACKET 05222018
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5/23/2018 9:14:17 AM
Creation date
5/18/2018 11:21:59 AM
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action items, review the executive summary, and formulate the draft plan. The draft plan has been <br />online for the community to review and comment on and an open house was held to collect input. The <br />city’s website has served as the clearinghouse for the results of the engagement, executive summaries, <br />and draft plan documents. <br />The enclosed draft plan is the culmination of the community engagement and the work of the steering <br />committee. The draft plan has been available for public comment since the beginning of April online and <br />at a draft plan open house. The city has received comments on the draft plan and those comments are <br />included in the packet for your review, as well as the recommendations from the steering committee <br />who evaluated each of these themes and made recommendations for changes to the City Council. <br />The action requested tonight is to make a motion to authorize adjacent community review. <br />NEXT STEPS <br />The adjacent community review process is a mandatory 6 months, per state statute (unless all <br />comments are received prior to that). Adjacent community review includes all adjacent communities, <br />Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Three Rivers Park District, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, <br />MnDOT, and the DNR. Upon receiving all comments from adjacent communities, staff will make edits for <br />a second draft. This will incorporate all recommended changes from the community comments (as <br />recommended by the steering committee), the Met Council preliminary review comments (as <br />applicable) and the adjacent community comments (as applicable). Staff does not intend to revise the <br />plan prior to all comments being received in an effort to be efficient and to revise the document in an <br />organized manner. <br />A revised draft will be presented to the City Council in December, prior to the deadline for submission to <br />the Met Council of December 31, 2018. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Staff recommends a motion authorizing adjacent community review for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan <br />Update. <br />ENCLOSURES <br />1)Draft Comprehensive Plan Link (‐ <br />Comprehensive‐Plan ) <br />2)Public Comments, with Steering Committee Recommendations <br />18
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