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CC PACKET 05222018
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CC PACKET 05222018
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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 1: Introduction <br />2 <br /> <br />CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION <br />WHAT IS A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN? <br />This is an update of the comprehensive plan adopted by the City of St. <br />Anthony Village in 2008. The current comprehensive plan was preceded <br />by a plan adopted in 1998, and prior to that a plan in 1979. St. Anthony is <br />a desirable place to live, work and play in part because of a strong history <br />of planning. Long-range planning has provided certainty and direction to <br />homeowners and investors and helped the City make cost-effective <br />investments in streets, parks and utilities. <br />The purpose of a comprehensive plan is to cast a vision and to establish <br />policy direction for those elements over which the City has jurisdiction. <br />These primarily include the pattern of land development and public facilities <br />such as streets, utilities and parks. Land development is regulated through <br />the City’s zoning ordinance and map, which is prepared or amended with <br />guidance from the comprehensive land use plan map and policies. The <br />City’s role in the land development process is to administer the regulations <br />of the zoning ordinance and to consider public comments on those aspects <br />that are discretionary, such as amendments to the zoning ordinance or <br />map. The City also installs or oversees the private construction of streets <br />and utilities that serve land development. <br />ST. ANTHONY WITHIN THE REGIONAL THRIVE MSP 2040 <br />FRAMEWORK <br />St. Anthony is situated within the greater seven-county metropolitan area, <br />which is served by the Metropolitan Council, the regional policy-making <br />body, planning agency, and provider of essential services for the Twin <br />Cities metropolitan region. The Council's mission is to foster efficient and <br />economic growth for a prosperous region. As granted by statutory authority, <br />the Metropolitan Council reviews and requires updates to comprehensive <br />plans every ten years. This round of comprehensive planning is due to the <br />Metropolitan Council for completion by December of 2018. <br />The Metropolitan Council adopts a regional policy framework to guide local <br />planning decisions. In 2014, the Metropolitan Council adopted a new <br />regional development guide entitled Thrive MSP 2040 that serves as a <br />guide for long-range planning in the region. Thrive outlines goals and <br />policies as they relate to land use and community designations as well as <br />laying the policy foundation for water systems, transportation, housing, and <br />regional parks planning.
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