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CC PACKET 05222018
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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 1: Introduction <br />3 <br /> <br />Thrive MSP 2040 provides some insights into regional trends which should <br />affect local comprehensive planning efforts. <br />1. In total, the region is expected to gain just over 800,000 people by <br />the year 2040. <br />2. The population of the region is aging, and the share of elderly <br />people will continue to grow in the decades to come. <br />3. The population of the region is also growing more racially and <br />ethnically diverse. By 2040, 40 percent of the region’s population <br />will be people of color. <br />Thrive MSP also indicates some of the region’s most prominent challenges. <br />There are significant income and educational disparities that persist along <br />racial lines that will threaten the economic and social well-being of the <br />region if allowed to continue unchecked. The region must also contend with <br />rapidly aging infrastructure, reduced groundwater supply and other area- <br />wide challenges with wide-ranging impacts. <br />Every community in the region received a System Statement in 2015 <br />derived from Thrive MSP 2040 policy. The System Statement provides <br />specific planning direction for each community as well as decadal <br />community forecasts which are subject to review and reasonable <br />amendment by each individual community. The 2015 System Statement <br />guidance for St. Anthony, as well as amended community forecasts, are <br />reflected throughout this comprehensive plan update through cross- <br />chapter compatibility and consistent planning guidance that is appropriately <br />scaled to the agreed-upon forecasts for the upcoming decades. <br />Thrive MSP 2040 Outcomes <br />In Thrive MSP 2040, the Metropolitan Council provides five regional <br />outcomes of planning that can serve as the lenses through which St. <br />Anthony can view its planning process. Thrive MSP 2040 promotes building <br />on the region’s history of effective stewardship of resources, and <br />envisions a prosperous, equitable, and livable region that is sustainable <br />for today and generations to come. This vision for the region will be <br />reflected in St. Anthony’s comprehensive plan goals and policies which are <br />embedded into each chapter of this plan document. These regional <br />outcomes are also echoed in St. Anthony’s city mission, vision and goals <br />which will be introduced in the next chapter.
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