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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2: Vision & Goals <br />6 <br /> <br />Senior citizen/longtime resident conversation <br />During the community engagement portion of this project, staff went to <br />rental apartment buildings, including the Diamond Eight Terrace <br />Apartments, and met with residents. One particular visit to Autumn Woods <br />resulted in a long discussion with lifelong senior residents about their <br />community and why they live where they live. <br />ADVANCE Community PLANBuilder workshop <br />In an effort to take a deeper dive into sustainability and how to incorporate <br />it into the comprehensive plan, St. Anthony conducted an Advance <br />workshop, partnering with the US Green Building Council. The result of that <br />convening was a set of recommendations, that are incorporated herein, on <br />how the plan can result in a more sustainable community. <br />Citizens for Sustainability and Park Board community visioning input <br />Early in the process, staff convened a visioning session with Citizens for <br />Sustainability, an advocacy group who cares deeply about walkability and <br />living in a sustainable, environmentally friendly community. The session <br />identified gaps and opportunities within the city to increase environmental <br />protection, encourage walking and biking, and reducing auto-dependence. <br />MySidewalk online forum <br />Recognizing that public <br />engagement opportunities are <br />only as good as the participants <br />who can join in the conversation, <br />an online public-facing page was <br />developed so that participants <br />could receive information and <br />offer ideas and suggestions at <br />any time during the planning <br />process, at any hour of the day. <br />Postings were created to “share <br />back” new developments in the planning process, but also to ask for <br />comments and feedback to open-ended or directed questions. <br /> <br />