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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2: Vision & Goals <br />7 <br /> <br />Key Themes: What we heard from the community <br />The following summarizes some of the common themes heard during the <br />public engagement and visioning phase of comprehensive plan <br />development. <br />What people love <br />• People love St. Anthony in general, and believe it is a great place to <br />live. <br />• The schools are great and an attraction to people and the community <br />is great for children. <br />• Proximity to the Twin Cities is one of the city’s biggest assets. <br />• It’s peaceful, quiet and has a small-town feel. <br />• The city has a reputation for being a sustainability leader. <br />Opportunities for change <br />• People want more physical connectivity through bicycle and pedestrian <br />infrastructure <br />• There should be options for long-time residents to stay, as well as <br />accommodate new people <br />• Housing affordability is an increasing challenge as rents and property <br />values go up <br />• People support new housing options on underutilized property <br />(including some density) <br />• Sustainable initiatives will continue to be important to the community <br />• Silver Lake Road is a main thorough-fare and is dangerous to cross