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PK PACKET 06112018
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PK PACKET 06112018
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6/6/2018 11:22:38 AM
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6/6/2018 11:22:02 AM
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Parks Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 12, 2018 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Ms. Thomas noted that part of the preliminary plat review included proof of parking. She 1 <br />stated that there was significant neighborhood comment about ensuring there is sufficient 2 <br />parking on site. She stated that they believe there is more than ample parking as proposed, but 3 <br />if there is an issue identified with parking, they could construct additional parking in that area. 4 <br />She noted that if that additional parking is required, the trail in that area would be rerouted. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Community Services Director Webster asked the number of mature trees that will be removed 7 <br />from the site, noting that the presentation stated that 17 mature trees will be saved. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Mr. Ward was unsure of the number but noted that there is a significant number of trees that 10 <br />will be removed for grading. He stated that the intent was to preserve as many of the trees on 11 <br />the external boundary of the site to act as screening to the neighboring properties. 12 <br /> 13 <br />Chairperson Bentz asked for clarification on the credit that would be given for the additional 14 <br />trail easement proposed by the developer. 15 <br /> 16 <br />City Planner Rothstein stated that the recommendation is to accept the public easement for 17 <br />trails, noting that sidewalks would not be counted. She explained that any trail put in 18 <br />easement would be counted towards the formula. She stated that the revised submittal would 19 <br />be used to determine the amount of trail easement and the purchase price of that land would 20 <br />be used to determine the value of the trail easement used in the formula. 21 <br /> 22 <br />Commissioner Jordahl Redlin stated that it is unclear which paths would be considered trails 23 <br />and which would be sidewalks. 24 <br /> 25 <br />Mr. Ward identified the areas of sidewalk that were not included in the calculation for trails. 26 <br />He stated that the total square footage area, as proposed by the developer, also includes the 27 <br />activity nodes. He confirmed that the trail calculations would not take into account the first 28 <br />ten feet from the building. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Community Services Director Webster stated that it appears the trail is scheduled to be built 31 <br />out over an area considered to be floodplain and asked the challenges that would be expected 32 <br />for that process. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Mr. Ward stated that there are no trails that will be constructed over floodplain. He noted that 35 <br />a trail will cut through a stormwater easement. He stated that the colored areas on the map are 36 <br />easement areas, and not floodplain. He identified the different easements on the property. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Community Services Director Webster asked and received confirmation that the easements 39 <br />and 100-year floodplain are both shown in red. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Motion by Commissioner Jordahl Redlin, seconded by Commissioner Ksiazek, to recommend 42 <br />that the City Council approve of parkland dedication requirements as outlined in the staff 43 <br />report, taking a partial cash payment in lieu of land with a credit for the value of the trail 44 <br />construction and a credit for an eight-foot easement along the trail on the western, northern, 45 <br />and eastern edges of the development. 46
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