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PL PACKET 06252018
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PL PACKET 06252018
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6/19/2018 3:38:49 PM
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6/19/2018 3:38:20 PM
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June 25, 2018 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />CONSIDERATIONS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE <br />1. Background <br />The applicant is proposing to construct a two story addition to the front side of their home. The <br />applicant indicates the addition will add an additional bedroom in the basement and additional <br />living space on the main level. <br />The minimum required setback in the R‐1 District is 30 feet or the average setback dimension of the <br />two adjacent lots. Most homes on the applicant’s block have a setback of 30 to 35 feet, except the <br />house located to the north, which has a setback of 54 feet. The applicant’s current setback is 33.8 <br />feet, which is legal non‐conforming, however with the expansion of the addition, it will require a 7‐ <br />foot variance in order to be compliant with the requirements of the R‐1 District. <br /> <br />2. Applicable Codes. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section 152.039 (E) Front yard apply to this proposal. <br />City Code Section 152.039 (E) states the front yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 30 feet <br />or a distance equal to the average of the front yard depths of the two adjacent lots. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.245 VARIANCES (A) Application states <br />that “An owner of property with an existing structure which does not comply with the zoning code, <br />or of property on which such a structure is proposed to be constructed, may apply for a variance <br />upon payment of the fee specified in Chapter 33”. <br /> <br />3. Criteria for and Consistency with Criteria for Variance Approval. Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 <br />Zoning Code, Section §152.245, (C) Evidence, lists the criteria the City Council must consider in <br />determining whether to grant or deny a variance. <br />Request: Request for a 7‐foot variance from the required front yard setback. The applicable <br />criteria include: <br />1. The subject matter of the application is within the scope of this section. <br />The application for a variance to front yard setback is an eligible subject matter for variance <br />criteria because these factors are related to dimensional and/or bulk standards. Criterion met. <br />2. Strict enforcement would cause practical difficulties because: <br />a. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted <br />by the zoning code; <br />The applicant is proposing to add additional living space of 278 square feet. The request <br />is not unreasonable for a family that wishes to increase the capacity of their home so <br />that they may stay in the community. While there may be other options for placement <br />of the addition, an addition to the front of the home will add positive aesthetics to the <br />front view of the home. Criterion met. <br />b. The plight of the property owner is due to circumstances unique to the property not <br />created by the property owner; <br />The property is located on a block where most homes have a similar setback, except the <br />house located to the north, which has a setback of 54 feet. The minimum setback of the <br />R‐1 District is 30 feet or the average of depth of the adjacent properties, whichever is <br />more. The setback of the home to the north is particularly large and exceeds the setback <br />distance by 24 feet otherwise the applicant’s setback of 33.8 feet would be permissible.
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