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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />2019 PRELMINARY BUDGET <br />GENERAL FUND REVENUE COMPONENTS <br />ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET CHANGE <br />2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2018-2019 <br />REVENUES <br />TAXES 3,551,089$ 3,437,605$ 3,536,079$ 3,786,628$ 4,171,053$ 4,513,460$ 342,407$ Additional $302,407 in property taxes. <br />LICENSES 69,743 78,038 81,552 77,105 81,550 79,800 (1,750)$ Activity with minor changes in License counts, 2019 fee increases not included. <br />PERMITS 281,358 218,415 222,527 281,125 183,727 189,207 5,480$ Permit activity forcasted using a conseravative forumala of past four years results . <br />INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 880,847 906,764 941,005 978,532 930,595 960,611 30,017$ Police and Street State Aids have increase along with minimal increase in LGA. <br />CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,413,986 1,501,073 1,513,189 1,567,978 938,189 978,136 39,947$ Increase in Police Contract $20,437, increase in gasoline sales to New Brighton $19,450. <br />FINES 122,980 129,167 84,934 74,762 78,900 67,046 (11,854)$ Conservative estimate based on recent years run rates. <br />OTHER REVENUES 306,643 290,011 472,109 322,850 260,102 218,229 (41,873)$ Other revenue decrease due to reduction in insurance dividends anticipated and decline in cable fees. <br />TRANSFERS IN 264,244 195,060 433,606 619,060 200,000 200,000 -$ Liquor transfer to General Fund remains at $200,000 for 2019. <br />TOTAL 6,890,890$ 6,756,133$ 7,285,001$ 7,708,039$ 6,844,116$ 7,206,490$ 362,374$ <br />26