Fiscal Year 2019
<br />2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019
<br />TAXES
<br />101-3101-0-0-01 TAX - CURRENT HENNEPIN/RAMSEY 3,085,173$ 3,265,084$ 3,342,377$ 3,546,540$ 3,896,023$ 3,896,023$ 4,238,430$ BASED ON PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES
<br />101-3102-0-0-01 TAX - DELINQUENT 31,132 (28,794) (7,486) (5,053) 7,500 7,500 7,500 Based on 2018 estimated actual
<br />101-3103-0-0-02 TAX - MOBILE HOME/NON-LEVY 9,184 591 11,797 - 1,500 1,500 1,500 Based on 2018 estimated actual
<br />101-3105-0-0-01 TAX - TIF 425,600 200,724 189,391 245,142 266,030 266,030 266,030 Based on 2018 estimated actual
<br />TOTAL 3,551,089$ 3,437,605$ 3,536,079$ 3,786,628$ 4,171,053$ 4,171,053$ 4,513,460$
<br />101-3210-1-1-01 LICENSE ON SALE INTOXICATING 24,600$ 29,200$ 32,800$ 24,600$ 32,800$ 32,800$ 32,800$ Assume full Liquor License count in 2019
<br />101-3210-1-1-02 LIQUOR INVST /COMPLIANCE - 500 500 - - - -
<br />101-3210-1-1-03 LICENSE WINE & BEER 2,250 3,188 4,313 6,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 Based on current License count
<br />101-3210-1-1-04 LICENSE BEER 3.2%550 550 550 550 550 550 550 Based on current License count
<br />101-3210-1-1-05 LICENSE WINE - - - - - - Based on current License count
<br />101-3211-1-1-01 LICENSE RENTAL SF 14,850 15,375 15,950 14,350 15,000 13,750 13,750 Based on Est. current License count trend
<br />101-3211-1-1-02 LICENSE RENTAL MULTI FAMILY 15,500 17,382 16,990 19,870 16,990 16,990 16,990 Based on current License count
<br />101-3212-1-1-00 LICENSE CIGARETTE SALES 3,000 2,700 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Based on current License count
<br />101-3213-1-2-00 LICENSE DOG 325 1,185 404 20 - - - Dog License requirement retired in 2017
<br />101-3214-1-1-00 LICENSE SERVICE STATION 813 1,076 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 Based on current License count for active stations
<br />101-3215-1-1-00 LICENSE OTHER 1,840 682 560 1,250 600 600 600 Based on current License count
<br />101-3216-1-2-00 LICENSE FIREWORKS 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Based on current License count
<br />101-3217-1-1-00 LICENSE AMUSEMENT 900 5 - - - - - Eliminated fee in 2015
<br />101-3218-1-1-00 LICENSE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3,665 4,745 4,375 4,855 4,500 3,500 4,000 License count varies based on construction activity
<br />101-3219-1-1-00 LICENSE HAULERS 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 3 Commercial / 4 Residential Haulers
<br />TOTAL 69,743$ 78,038$ 81,552$ 77,105$ 81,550$ 79,300$ 79,800$
<br />101-3220-1-1-00 PERMITS LAND USE 1,800$ 1,600$ 1,000$ 6,300$ 600$ 6,500$ 3,000$ Conservative Est of run rate
<br />101-3221-1-1-00 PERMITS BUILDING 94,372 140,846 119,942 123,570 90,421 90,421 89,762 Est based on lower of 4 year average or 2017 actual discounted by 25%
<br />101-3221-1-1-01 PERMITS PLAN CHECK 31,698 28,070 45,895 61,278 36,456 42,500 34,623 Est based on lower of 4 year average or 2017 actual discounted by 25%
<br />101-3222-1-1-00 PERMITS GAS, HVAC 56,734 9,481 12,646 36,501 17,000 23,150 18,843 Est based on lower of 4 year average or 2017 actual discounted by 25%
<br />101-3223-1-1-00 PERMITS PLUMBING 53,484 7,887 10,831 12,724 11,800 10,750 15,811 Est based on lower of 4 year average or 2017 actual discounted by 25%
<br />101-3224-1-1-00 PERMITS ELECTRICAL 31,778 17,495 15,078 16,947 12,500 10,250 14,258 Est based on lower of 4 year average or 2017 actual discounted by 25%
<br />101-3225-1-1-00 PERMITS ADMIN FEES 6,803 8,646 9,130 11,245 8,200 8,600 6,410 Est based on lower of 4 year average or 2017 actual discounted by 25%
<br />101-3228-1-1-00 PERMITS ALARM 3,970 3,880 5,300 5,700 4,500 3,900 4,250 Conservative Est of run rate
<br />101-3229-1-1-00 PERMITS MISCELLANEOUS 720 510 2,705 6,860 2,250 2,250 2,250 Sign permits ROW permits
<br />TOTAL 281,358$ 218,415$ 222,527$ 281,125$ 183,727$ 198,321$ 189,207$
<br />101-3310-2-3-00 FEDERAL GRANTS 3,450 8,003 4,841 6,092 7,100 7,100 7,240 Includes State vest reimbursement as well
<br />101-3320-2-2-01 ISD 282- DARE PROGRAM 15,281 14,500 15,462 14,500 14,500 16,268 14,500 Fixed School reimbursement / 2018 add'l aid every 2 years
<br />101-3330-0-0-00 MVHC/LGA 442,967 505,415 523,010 528,225 552,238 552,238 553,873 Based on est LGA -2019
<br />101-3340-0-0-00 STATE AID- PERA INCREASE 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 Fixed amount of aid
<br />101-3342-2-2-00 STATE AID- FIRE RELIEF 49,251 47,725 50,174 53,206 45,672 45,672 45,672 Amount budgeted prior years- pass through to FD
<br />101-3346-2-2-00 STATE AID- POLICE 181,935 189,440 197,374 207,448 171,630 180,129 183,732 2018 Reduction in count for aid reimbursement
<br />101-3348-3-2-00 STATE AID- MSA MAINTENANCE 76,749 83,997 89,905 88,708 88,708 97,275 97,275 2019 Based on actual 2018 State Aid
<br />101-3350-2-2-00 LOCAL GRANTS- FIRE (DISABILITY & ED)57,674 11,588 13,024 37,419 8,800 12,000 12,500 Based increased grant funding experience
<br />101-3360-2-2-00 LOCAL GRANTS- POLICE 45,387 38,454 33,575 35,658 34,500 36,840 38,373 Safe and sober program
<br />101-3365-1-1-00 LOCAL GRANTS- MISCELLANEOUS 66 195 (97) 78 250 250 250
<br />101-3370-2-2-00 LOCAL GRANTS- PW 891 250 6,540 - - - - Random non-capital grants not budgeted
<br />TOTAL 880,847$ 906,764$ 941,005$ 978,532$ 930,595$ 954,969$ 960,611$
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