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<br /> <br /> <br />27th AVE NE / Pahl AVE NE AREA TRAFFIC STUDY <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />WSB PROJECT NO. 12064-000 PAGE 22 <br />Issue Analysis/Conclusions Based on the identified issues and the criteria discussed above for each improvement opportunity, the following analysis conclusions were made: <br />• Safety Issues: As indicated, the only location that was identified with safety (crash) issues is the intersection of Kenzie Terrace at 27th Avenue NE. The majority of the crashes are northbound or southbound on Kenzie Terrace. There are no other trends with the crashes such as time of day or day or week or time of year. Based on the number of vehicles on Kenzie Terrace and with the type and number of crashes a request should be made to Hennepin County to consider a safety improvements at the intersection. <br />• Speeding Issues: As indicated by the neighborhood concerns and verified with the collected data, the speed of traffic on 27th Avenue between Roosevelt Street and Wilson Street has an 85% speed over the posted 30mph limit. Based on the traffic volume review it was documented that most of the traffic on these streets is local to the neighborhood. These should be people that know the area and what the speed limit and road conditions are. Based on the review of the alternatives available there are two improvements that could be considered. 1. Additional Enforcement – With the majority of the streets in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area having an 85% speed below the posted 30mph speed limit, and; with the majority of the traffic being local to the area, and; with the recommended installation of the School Speed Zone (see below); additional enforcement should be implemented. The streets should continue to be monitored and evaluated to determine if the speed limit is reduced. 2. Driver Feed-Back (DFB) Signs – Should the 85% speed not be reduced with the additional enforcement. DFB signs could be considered. Research has shown that installation of DFB signs can reduce the 85th speed by up to 3mph. This would reduce the 85% speed on 27th Avenue NE to below the posted speed limit. If this alternative is implemented, a temporary DFB should be installed as a test to determine if the installation provides the benefit anticipated. <br />• Pedestrian Safety: Based on the pedestrian and vehicle data collected consideration should be given to providing accommodation and/or awareness of pedestrians, especially adjacent to the St. Charles Borromeo Church and School. <br />There are two primary options for improving the safety for pedestrian traffic in the area. <br /> <br /> <br />