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<br /> <br /> <br />27th AVE NE / Pahl AVE NE AREA TRAFFIC STUDY <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />WSB PROJECT NO. 12064-000 PAGE 23 <br />1. School Speed Zone Establishment – Based on the State requirements and the <br />MnMUTCD the City can establish a school speed zone adjacent to the St. Charles <br />Borromeo School on 27th Avenue NE between Stinson Parkway and Roosevelt <br />Street. Based on the traffic volumes and speeds a 20mph school speed zone is <br />recommended as a solution to improve safety of the students and pedestrians <br />adjacent to 27th Avenue NE. <br />2. Construction of a Sidewalk Connection – Currently there is sidewalk connections in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area located: on the north side of 27th Avenue NE between Stinson Parkway and Roosevelt Street adjacent to the St Charles Borromeo Church and School; on both sides of Stinson Parkway between 27th Avenue NE and St Anthony Boulevard adjacent to St Charles Borromeo Church and School; on both sides of St Anthony Boulevard between Stinson Parkway and Kenzie Terrace. Based on pedestrian data collected and standard practices construction of sidewalk connections could be considered in the area. This would need to be requested by the adjacent land owners. <br /> <br />• Cut-Through Traffic: As discussed in the issues identification section most of the traffic in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area is local from the neighborhood. However, based on a review of the traffic volume data there appears to be to two possible cut-through routes. 1. Between St Anthony Boulevard and Kenzie Terrace using Coolidge Street to 27th Avenue NE. – The traffic using this cut-through route appears to be trying to avoid the traffic signal at St Anthony Boulevard and Kenzie Terrace. In order to discourage this cut-through route it will require making it less desirable. An option to address this issue would be to install “Stop” signs on Coolidge Street at the Pahl Avenue NE intersection making it an all-way stop consistent with the adjacent intersection. 2. Between St Anthony Boulevard and Stinson Parkway using Wilson Street to 27th Avenue – The traffic using this route appears to be avoiding the intersection of St. Anthony Boulevard and Stinson Parkway. It is unclear if this traffic is actually cutting through or destined for St Charles Borromeo Church and School. One of the concerns is with this traffic using the alleys between Wilson Street and Roosevelt Street. An option to address this issue would be to install “No Thru Traffic” signs on both ends of the two alleys between Wilson Street and Roosevelt Street. <br /> Concern has also been raised that as the adjacent area continues to develop, traffic will used 27th Avenue NE as a cut-through. Based on the Traffic Study completed for the Lowry Grove project the majority of the traffic (approximately 85%) is entering and exiting the area from the south and west. The remining traffic will access the Lowry Grove site from Stinson Parkway or Kenzie Terrace. There is no advantage for traffic to cut-through on 27th Avenue to access the Lowry Grove site. <br />