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<br /> <br /> <br />27th AVE NE / Pahl AVE NE AREA TRAFFIC STUDY <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />WSB PROJECT NO. 12064-000 PAGE 24 <br />Recommendations Based on the issues analysis and the analysis conclusions, the following low impact, low cost improvements are recommended for the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area. <br />Figure 11 shows the location for the proposed improvements. <br />Safety Improvements <br />• Continue working with Hennepin County on the future improvements at Kenzie Terrace and 27th Avenue NE. <br />Speed Improvements <br />• Provide additional speed enforcement in the area. <br />• Develop a policy for the use of and possible installation of driver feed-back signs in the City. <br />Pedestrian Improvements <br />• Develop City policy for the location of a School Speed Zone (20mph). This may be applied to 27th Avenue NE and Stinson Boulevard. <br />• Changes to Stinson Boulevard will require approval from the Minneapolis Park Board. <br /> <br />Cut-Through Traffic <br />• Review additional signage on northbound and southbound Coolidge Street at Pahl Avenue NE. <br />• Consider “No Thru Traffic” signs on both ends of the alleys between Wilson Street and Roosevelt Street. <br />• Continue to monitor the traffic in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area as the adjacent development continues. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />