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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6: Transportation ൪ൣ FIGURE 6-12: EXISTING AND PROPOSED LOCAL BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN NETWORKSt. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6: Transportation ൪ Planned Local Non-Motorized Transportation Network Because the City’s existing non-motorized transportation network is well-established, the planned network focuses on filling gaps that exist and improving safety conditions and the comfort or convenience of non-motorized facilities through intersection design, streetscape improvements, and other design considerations. When the network is complete, it will provide safe, convenient linkages between residential areas and commercial, institutional, and recreational areas within the City. The network will improve options for people to walk and bicycle for transportation within the City, and facilitate regional connections (described in greater detail in the following section). The existing and proposed local bicycle and pedestrian network is shown in FIGURE 6-12. The identified non-motorized gaps in this network include the following locations: x St. Anthony Boulevard between Ridgway Parkway and Stinson Boulevard (bicycle) x New Brighton Boulevard/Old Highway 8 between St. Anthony Boulevard and 33rd Avenue NE (bicycle/pedestrian) x 29th Avenue between Stinson Boulevard and St. Anthony Village-Roseville border (bicycle and pedestrian west of New Brighton Boulevard) x Stinson Boulevard between St. Anthony Boulevard and 37th Avenue (bicycle/pedestrian) x Maplewood Drive/Chelmsford Road between Skycroft Drive and 37th Avenue (pedestrian) x Private road/driveway south of Silver Lane within Silver Lake Village Shopping Center (pedestrian) x Silver Lake Road between Silver Lane and Silverwood Park (bicycle) Planned Regional Non-Motorized Transportation Network The Metropolitan Council 2040 TPP encourages the use of bicycles as a mode of transportation and establishes a Regional Bicycle Transportation Network (RBTN) to establish an integrated network of on-street bikeways and off-road trails that complement each other to improve conditions for bicycle transportation at the regional level. The RBTN identifies Tier 1 and Tier 2 alignments where existing regional or other trails exist or where a specific alignment has been identified. The RBTN also identifies Tier 1 and Tier 2 corridors where specific alignments have not yet been defined. Within St. Anthony Village, the RBTN identifies three Tier 1 RBTN alignments and three Tier 1 RBTN corridors. SEE FIGURE 6-13. The alignments include the existing Northeast Diagonal Trail, Stinson Parkway between Kenzie Terrace and St. Anthony Boulevard, and St. Anthony Boulevard between Stinson Parkway and the Northeast Diagonal Trail. The Northeast Diagonal Trail and Stinson Parkway alignments are also designated as regional trails. The RBTN corridors all extend St. Anthony Boulevard between Ridgway Parkway and Stinson BoulevardParkway a(bicycle)
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