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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6: Transportation ൪ from the southwest corner of the City, and include one corridor running north-south on the western edge of the City (centered on Stinson Boulevard north of St. Anthony Boulevard), and one running in a southwest/northeast direction (centered on Silver Lake Road, 29th Avenue, and Old Highway 8). There is also a corridor running to the east from St. Anthony Village centered on the existing Northeast Diagonal Trail; however, because that trail already exists, an alignment does not need to be identified for the segment within the St. Anthony Village. The RBTN alignment identified along St. Anthony Boulevard, along with the remaining portion of St. Anthony Boulevard south of the Northeast Diagonal Trail, is also identified in the Hennepin County 2040 Bicycle Transportation Plan as part of the planned off-street bikeway system. The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board has also identified this corridor for a regional trail as part of the Grand Rounds Missing Link project, a project to develop connections to the existing Grand Rounds trail system. The City of St. Anthony Village has passed a resolution opposing an off-street bike facility along St. Anthony Boulevard between Stinson Boulevard and New Brighton Boulevard. The Hennepin County plan also identifies Stinson Boulevard as part of the planned on-street bikeway system. Hennepin County has a planned reconstruction project on 29th Avenue which will add sidewalk to CSAH 94 (29th Avenue) between CSAH 88 and the county line. This project also includes participation from the City and Ramsey County. The Ramsey County-Wide Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan identifies a Connected Ramsey Communities Network, with a series of corridors that represent long-distance bikeways crossing the county. Within St. Anthony Village, there are three of these corridors: County Road D (37th Avenue), Stinson (Stinson Boulevard), and Silver Lake Road. County Road E (45th Avenue) is shown as a planned Local Corridor, while Silver Lane is identified as a Local Corridor with an identified need. The City proposes the following alignments for the RBTN corridors identified within the City: x Along Stinson Boulevard between St. Anthony Boulevard and 37th Avenue (coordination with City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County needed). x Along New Brighton Boulevard (CSAH 88) and Old Highway 8. The existing and proposed regional network is shown in FIGURE 6-13. The Minneapolis Park & Recreation poBoard has also identified this corridor for a regional trail as part of the Grandl trail Rounds Missing Link project, a project to develop connections to the existingop connGrand Rounds trail system. The City of St. Anthony Village has passed a resolutionny Village haopposing an off-street bike facility along St. Anthony Boulevard between StinsonAnthoevardBoulevard and New Brighton Boulevard. The Hennepin County plan also identifiesThe Hety planStinson Boulevard as part of the planned ond on-street bikewbikeay system. em. St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6: Transportation ൪൦ Intersection Improvements for Bicycling and Walking A number of intersections have been identified for improvements based on safety issues related to skew or operations for motor vehicles; however, improvements at many of these same intersections would also benefit pedestrians and bicyclists by slowing vehicles, shortening crossing distances, providing pedestrian refuges, and/or adding improved pavement markings or signals. Intersections include: x Kenzie Terrace/Silver Lake Road and St. Anthony Boulevard x CSAH 88 and St. Anthony Boulevard x 29th Avenue and CSAH 88 x 33rd Avenue and Highway 8/Highcrest Road x 29th Avenue and Silver Lake Road x 37th Avenue and Silver Lake Road xKenzie Terrace/Silver Lake Road and St. Anthony BoulevardxCSAH 88 and St. Anthony Boulevard
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